Are they FULL

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I just finished filling mine up and still don't have everything in it. I will take pictures tomorrow and post. So if you have yours filled lets share pictures.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I've been meaning to take pictures of my poor tiny greenhouse that is PACKED.. Tonight it's supposed to get pretty cool here. So, I'm glad that I have worked ahead.

I even have a tub of gold fish in there. I bought feeder goldfish this Spring, for 10 cents apiece, that I kept in a livestock tank all summer.. Then thought they needed a pump and filter... Ended up with 50 bucks worth of pump, filter and fish food from Petsmart yesterday.. ! I thought I was pretty smart there for awhile.. Me with my 90 cents worth of gold fish, plastic tank from feeding the cows a molasses lick, a pot of free canna's... and then I go and spend 50 bucks on a pump and filter.. They look right with that banana tree Digital Dave brought to the Spring Roundup, and the Pseuderanthumum atropurpureum ( had to go look that up StressBaby ) though.

edited to say.. I think I could win a " Do you have the fullest Greenhouse" contest.. I have to take out a few pots to even get inside to water.

This message was edited Oct 22, 2007 6:49 AM

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

On being full wait till you see mine. On my way out to take a picture now. The GH was 51 degrees last night. Glad I had filled it yesterday. It didn't get as cool and the weather man said it was suppose to. But it did rain all night.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)


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(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)


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(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)


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(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

final one

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(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Guess what I still have 2 brug trees, a bird of paradise, a huge begonia, and 6 EE's still in the ground. Now what am I going to do? I can hardly get in there myself.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh yea, I forgot to add, I did put two of the smallest bananas in there, and they have 3 or more babies in each pot, but I still have two more large ones outside, in pots.

San Antonio, TX

I will soon start filling mine up too but compared to yours mine is a little match box. I have those framed plastic covered green houses. they are flimsey but in a time of need they do the job. I take extra precations to insulate (buying some new material this year) and most of my little plants hide in there during the winter. The larger plants stay out but are covered with this paper/cloth material and plastic to keep them safe. Wish I had one of those big gh's...............would it help if I click my heels 3x?

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

In San Antonio you really don't have that much of winter, do you. So I would image your GH would work really great. Most of the stuff I have in my GH you can probably leave out all year long.

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

I just have a 6'x8' HF GH and all I put in it are pond plants and some non hardy EEs. I filled the 'spare' bathroom with all the brugs and ferns and stuff like that.

How big are some of your GH and living in Zone 6, how do you heat them economically. I tried a radiator heater last year and at $60 a month decided that was too high.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I just have the 6x8 HF GH too... My plan is to keep the plants in there for another month.. Maybe.. I'm sure the weather will make my decision for me.. Hoping there will be another week or so of warm weather.. and the greenhouse effect will do a little of the heating. I have already moved some of the cacti and succulents in..

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

We got frost last night. So what didn't get into the GH may be goners.

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

The non-hardy EE's do you take them out of the containers or leave them in? I have about 4 of them in containers and if I can put them in the sun room/green house in their containers for the winter I would be a happy camper. I don't want to dig them up, dry them then pack them. The first two years that worked pretty well. Last year they all died and had to buy brand new so I'm hoping.....any advice?

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

The last two years I have dug mine up (anyway the ones that are planted) and just put them in a pot with soil and stored them in the GH. I know have most of mine in pots and yes they just go in the GH in there pots.

San Antonio, TX

We got a "cool" front and I went into a panic. Started to move the majority of my little plants and the ones I thought might not like the cold air. I still have some huge pots that I'll have to move but waiting for my son in law and the weekend. Im gonna leave the cannas out but mulch the pots they r in. Im assuming that moving things like the ee's, brugs, and other tropicals to an area that protects it from the north wind and making a make shift cover will be sufficient for them. I really dont want to loose alot of what I"ve aquired during the summer. Dont know why it makes me so nervous that they will suffer and die.

Rancho Cordova, CA(Zone 9a)

It was 80 degrees today
so I probably won't start bringing things into the greenhouse until late december

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Well all my greenhouses are full,here's just one of them.

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Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)


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Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)


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Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)


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Lewiston, CA(Zone 7b)

Got most of mine stuffed already. I said I'd babysit a friends plants, thinking it was a few....she brought me a whole trcuk load of cannas, geraniums & houseplants. I'm not sure where they are going in there. I have them in the driveway right in front of my GH & cover them when it may freeze.
I'll have to get in there & do "the shuffle"! She goes to Mexico every winter, I hope this won't be an annual thing! I wouldn't mind a few, but this many is above & beyond!
The GH is already pretty full & bringing in "stray" plants doesn't make me feel comfortable. I sprayed them for everything! Now I just have to find a corner to squeeze them into. I'll take pics tomorrow. I finally get a day to "Play" in there!

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I think your buddy that is going to Mexico , should bring you back something very nice for keeping her plants all winter.

Hoping to spend some time in mine today too. We had a pretty heavy frost here.. I'm sure glad they are all tucked in with heat on.. The sun is coming up , so it will heat up quickly.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Bj,do you do windows too!!!LOL

Kathy,is this your first frost?

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)


This isn't our first frost... and I live on top of a very cold hill , so I get frost when some of my neighbors don't. How about there in Wichita? Your plants look wonderfully happy and what a collection you must have!

My brugmansia that didn't bloom all summer , is loving it's corner in the greenhouse and is setting lots of buds and with one bloom . I had traded for it and didn't even remember what color.. The first bloom was in a tight corner, so I couldn't even see it except through the polycarbonate siding. But, I accidently knocked off some buds when I went in the door, so I will have to be more careful.

Conway, AR(Zone 7b)

Not full but getting there.

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Conway, AR(Zone 7b)


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Conway, AR(Zone 7b)

Last one.

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Conway, AR(Zone 7b)

OH yeah, the required arsenal. :-)

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Fulton, MO

Nice, Nautical.
Here is my GH today, if this composite works.

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Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

No bananas yet, SB? =(

Fulton, MO

Eggs, the pseudostem broke and I lost them. I have another DC almost as big, I'm hoping it will flower soon.

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Gotta keep the Mrs. happy, man. ;)

Sorry to hear about the broken stem, tho. =(

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

No frost yet,but heavy dews that were almost frost,it was 35* couple more and it would have been,yep on the hill your gonna get it first,especially if there is no wind to speak of!!!!
I cut my brugs way back to where the y begins and pull most if the leaves,In fact I just put roots and all,just as I dug it up all of the ground into plastic potting mix empty bags,try to keep right at the stage ,before dormancy,just can't stand the spidermites on the leaves.
Tight corners like that,you need to install a mirror back there before you put the plants there so you can see the backside!!!LOL

wow you have got the flowers in there!!!!
With all that medicine,I'd say your ready for any and everything that comes your way!!!LOL

SB,neat picture!!!
Fingers crossed you get another banana flower bloom!!!

Lewiston, CA(Zone 7b)

TropicMan, only if I have to! Not one of my favorite pastimes.
I was down @ the GH several times today but without the camera. The propane guy came today to set the new tank. Bout that time it started raining buckets. We both dug like crazy to get it leveled, by the time he left we were both soaked!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Bj,another bath,just a day from saturday,you should smell clean!!!!LOL

I think we should put wireless web cams in our greenhouse,most take still shots as well as videos,that way we can take a pic,and it's already in your computer,save time Huh!!!!

As cheap as they are now,might be a good idea!!!

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