artillery fungus (Sphaerobolus stellatus)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

anyone know how to deal with this stuff??

My car is coated and it's almost impossible to get off.

also -- what does it look like?
I need to locate this mold in able to get rid of it.



Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks ceejay...

this stuff is a nightmare.

i raked up the area around my drive way -- which seems to be hardest hit....
I just can't get the stuff off of my car. DH read that vinegar can get it off, but not totally.

the previous owners used that shredded red [stained] wood mulch, and i think that is where it all started.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Yeah, a lot of that hardwood mulch isn't composted properly first, and causes lots of troubles. If there's not too much of it, maybe you could start over? I'm sure glad I don't have that problem!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'd have to say over the 2 past "fall clean ups". most of that crap has been raked up.

not sure what we are going to do for "mulch" or just leave it.... we have sandy soil.
but since i did read to "rake" to add air to the soil to help prevent growth -- i will certainly keep up on that.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

You'll still need mulch. I noticed the article said mulches made from bark were better. You might wait until your problem is alleviated before adding more, though.
My favorite is pine straw (needles). It doesn't wash away in the rain, and it breaks down in about a year to enrich my soil.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

ceejay ,

the area where i have this problem is in an RV park In Wisconsin. We are basically in a pine and oak forest... so pine needles is not a problem.

DH was saying he'd like to leave the pine needles on the ground as a 'mulch', but honestly the hazard for a fire is just too great -- with the way those things go up in flames. [we area seasonal park, and the water gets turned off on Oct 15 ... so if there is a fire ... there is no water to put it out ..... from what we had heard, the couple across the street from us [ nice old couple ] their unit caught on fire [faulty space heater we heard] and no one could do anything about it ]

BUT we only rake in the Fall and in April --- if any needles fall during the rest of the year, they stay on the ground.

thanks for the info on the pine though... i'll have to let DH know about that.

I'm still reading up on this stuff though ..... i need to find the best way to clean my car ... this stuff really did a number on the paint.


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