Which varieties do you guys like

Lake Placid, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm doing an un-scientific survey to get an idea on which cannas are the most popular. I am going to be adding Canna's to our product line for 2008 and I need some help figuring out which ones I should stock. If you had your choice of three, which ones would you plant? I'm going to stock about 7 or 8 different ones. Your responses will help me determine which ones I'll offer.


Hooks, TX

I like the ones that are 3-4' tall. They fit into my yard better than the tall ones. I like ones with broad petals on the blooms instead of the thin ones.


Lake Placid, FL(Zone 9b)


Which color do you like. I'm looking to stock at least 3 dwarf varieties.


Hooks, TX

I'm too new with cannas to have color preferences for blooms. I also like all of the variegated foilage ones.


Corning, NY(Zone 5a)

Myself I would love to have a true white, I have Milk Festival & I am looking for a better white.:)Anita

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I like Pretoria, Cleopatra, Red King Humbert, Chocolate Cherry, Phaison/Tropicanna, etc. For dwarfs, I like Lucifer, the Futurity series, and some others.
I'd love to have some whites but so far have not seen them in a fair price range or they are not truly white.

I buy according to where they will go. Generally, I try to get red, yellow and orange for the tropical beds and use more pastel colors in other beds.

Good luck!

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Mine aren't big enough to bloom yet so I could only guess at what will be my favs.....Cleopatra, Orange Punch, & Journey's End.

This message was edited Oct 21, 2007 7:24 PM

Chickenville, FL(Zone 9a)

Anything with variegated or unusual colored leaves. Also like the flowers that are bicolored.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

I have the reds and yellows and only a couple of pinks. So anything white or differently colored.


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

White, pure white..

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

i like ermine and musafolia... and soft pinks

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

My Australia is my fav so far - I love the beautiful dark foilage on that little puppy.

I have Red, Pink & White in my Canna bed, but only 1 white so far - Ermine. I'd love to have a few more whites, and I prefer the baby pink to the brighter, hotter pinks.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Stuttgart, Cleopatra, and tropicana.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

ooh....good choices guys...this is hard, but I'd have to say Ermine, Striped Beauty, Tropicanna Phaison (with Intrigue and Futurity Pink and rose as honorable mentions. I also love anything in a hot pink/fuschia but haven't succeeded in getting a good one to grow in my garden

On the 'White' cannas, no one has yet to my knowledge been able to breed a true white canna...kinda the holy grail of cannas. Ermine is the closest I think to a true white, so pretty

Corning, NY(Zone 5a)

Ermine, Thank you all, Thats the 1 I was trying to think of..:)Anita

Lake Placid, FL(Zone 9b)

You guys are great!! You've definitely given me allot to think about. I'll probably end up stocking at least a dozen different ones. We'll see...


Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

orgot to mention Panache....lol...Pink Sunburst...lol

Orlando, FL

Tropicanna....Orange beauty....Yellow king humbert....bengal tiger.....I have a dwarf white...no name I just love.

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