mystery plant,ID please

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

All I know about what I have comming up, sparsly is, they are perennials.I sowed the seed one day that DW was honey dew day, and lost the seed pack.Forgive me ladies, I sound like I look for "blame", so I'll say my mind wasn't where it should have been, what ever the reason, I have a few plants comming up for which I have not a clue.Thank you.Mike

Thumbnail by mqiq77
Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I'm bumping this up higher on the thread so someone knowledgeable will see it. I never recognize seedlings until they grow into something more substantial.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You might try posting on the ID forum instead, things can be hard to recognize at this stage but I'm sure someone over there will have some ideas for you.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Thank you both, I didn't realize that we had the means for most everything.Mike

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

Looks like petunias to me. I have a bunch coming up now in a flower pot. I put them in the GH so maybe they will bloom this winter. I love petunias, especially doubles.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

You know! Thats a good posibility, since I had some seed for the perenniel petunias.I don't know how to bring up solved, but I think it is.Thank you for saving my sanity.That has to be it.Mike

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Any one know how I get "solved" on the thread?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Mike, you, and you alone, can edit the header of the thread - i think, or mark it closed. BTW, up here, we don't HAVE "perennial petunias" - how are they different?


Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

You can't do a SOLVED in the Perennials Forum, but you can in the Plant Identification Forum. I'm glad you finally got your answer!

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

WE have always called these petunias "perenniel", because they grow from seed, and spread to places you can't imagine.These petunias are somewhat fragrant, and prolific bloomers.They have been called "weeds" in some areas.Which brings me to the reason for the seed.I don't have them, and want them.Mike

I hope someone can provide a pic, I really like them.Can anyone believe I have seen them growing in 90+ degree parking lots, up through the asphalt.And I find them hard to transplant!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Why not plant them where you want them to grow?

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I will set these out where I want them soon.The problem I have had is trying to move a plant from one spot to another.Mike

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

Take lots of dirt with the roots and make sure you water them well. You could put water in the hole like you do trees.

I have petunia seeds coming up in a pot that I had put over at church. I brought the pot home when the petunias died. I put the pot in the GH for this winter and maybe they will continue to grow and do well. I love petunias and these should be some of the double ones. I have been unsuccessful at gathering seeds at home so I was thrilled when I saw these growing.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I know the wayve petunia will reseed, and so will these "wild" ones, my problem , I was told is I pampered them too much, and they are use to less desirable soil.Thats what I was told.I wish some one from around Ga./Al. would come in here with a pic to let everyone know what I'm talking about.I don't know if they are considered native or not, but are pretty enough, and fragrant.Mike

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

jThey are probably perennial for you because you are warmer than we are, here they are annuals, except maybe the waves.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Petunias are annuals even here in zone 9.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Do the wave petunias seed true? I'd love to know because I have a huge patch of them at church and frost is on the way. Thanks! C

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Mine did, but I had only one variety, and they came back strong.Mike

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Seed collecting just moved to the top of my agenda today, crossing my fingers! Thanks Mq!

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