Storm Damage

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

Well evidentaly the storm that hit Kalkaska, practiced in our yard. I heard this huge wind coming and ran out to the street to get the garbage can. I couldn't get it back to the house. I have stood in the middle of a hurricane before (dumb enough to chase the dog when he got out) and it was compairable to that. This morning I went out and the tops of two trees are broken off (both in diffrent directions) and one really big tree is partially uprooted and has to come down. The smoke house was moved 6 inches and two big cages were blown over in diffrent directions. I don't know how people cope living in the woods. I've done nothing but cut up fallen trees since we moved here 13 years ago.
I don't ever remember a tornado in October in Michigan. Does anyone else?

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Sorry about your damage, hope all the critters are ok. I always think about the birds and animals outside in the storms while we are in our nice cozy house complaining about a little light show and booms.
Every year in late Oct thru mid Nov we get high wind storms. We call them "the hunting winds" as they come during hunting season.
We loose several trees, either uprooted or cracked off every year at this time.
We just finished clearing 6 trees (cutting, stacking and brush) from late summer winds. Keeps us in wood for the winter, just dry it a couple years.
I took a walk thru the main part of the woods and saw no damage yet from this storm yesterday. We were lucky this time.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I would think is is pretty rare to have a tornado in October but our weather certainly is changing. Glad you are ok!!!


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

so gald to hear your all right we had a lot of wind damage a few years ago but thank goodness not this time !!

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Gloria, I think I remember that one. The one with the "straight winds" of 110 miles per hour.
We were ok with that one, I am not sure how. But I remember it because of DH being silly. During the night, DH was worried the camper was going to blow over, so he was going to go out and brace it. I told him he was NOT going outside in 110 mph winds and if the camper fell over we would have to deal with it. He must have been half alsleep to come up with that one.
Husbands get crazy ideas sometimes.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

well I went out and got the dog first time he came in the house willingly trees were comming down and the skirting was flying off the house I thought I was in the movie The Wizard Of Ozz !!!!!!!!!!

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Know what you mean. I haven't been the same since that house fell on my sister.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Got to love Mi

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

Well, the origional storm damage was not as bad as what my husband did when he cut the tree that was partially uprooted. He was afraid that it would fall on the bunny pen, so he pulled the tree back upright and then it fell on my grape arbor. It was a nice one too. Cost 200 bucks to build. The bunny pen could have been moved. I had been sitting in the grape arbor just minuites before, but got up to go pee. Thank God for 50 year old bladders,but I'm beginning to wonder about my husband. I'm staying in the house now.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I'd be over to the neighbors LOL!!!!!!!!!

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Ohhhhhhh Nooooooo!
I have to tell you. Once there was a tree leaning over my husbands deer blind. So he cut it so it wouldn't smash it. (he has cut trees for many years and they come down right where he wants them)
Well, it came down and smashed the blind. All he could do is stare in disbelief!
Sorry about your grape arbor!

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