storms tonight

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I hope everyone is safe and the storms miss us all!
I know most of the state is on tornado watches.
I had night time storms! Like to see whats coming for me.
I'm off to pick up anything that may blow away, and here on this flat farm thats a lot! LOL

My son Teig is home from Vegas for a long weekend. Im so
happy! I know when he leaves again I will cry n cry! But thats a few days away :)

Good luck Michiganders buckle down and stay safe

spring storm picture

Thumbnail by notmartha
south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

County to the south of us is under a warning....Yikes DIL is on the road down there! It is dark here and a few showers come through...The storm clouds are gorgeous in the dark skies...lightning to the west...coming your way Dori!!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

holy smokes Dori when did you take that ? its been nasty here but not like that right now its just dead still and humid out I'v got my fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

My son Teig is at a bachelor party in Mt Pleasant for the night! I dont think he wants me to call and see how he is. lol So im praying for everyone tonight.

That was from this May's storms. They went around me to the north and the clouds were crazy! its still 70 here and pretty calm now-it was windy all day. Black walnuts falling like raindrops today-it was something standing under neath them this morning hoping not to get BONKED!

here is another pic from May!

Thumbnail by notmartha
Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

okay scared me but I remember that one very well also and no I don't think your son wants you to call him I know cuz I'v gotten that for Gods sake mom don't do that again not my fault if I worrie I mean there only 44 43 and 37 thats just the boys kids some day they will understand
oh oh thunder and the wind is picking up I think we better hang on

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

So far nothing here, just a few sprinkles and that is fine with me.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

is every one stll here ?????? it wasent to bad here just alot of rain and wind LOL

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Dark skies, beautiful white clouds, some rain and wind and lightning...but nothing bad. Did you get a gander at Sunday's weather?? Wow ...mid 70's!!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

yes dori that is how the sky loked in plainwell also. the first storm went thru really fast then the second a little slower and by the third we really got wailed on. but we never lost an power or anything:):):):) thank goodness. it rained so hard we could not see acrossed the street. the wind wow. im glad its over with. Ronna

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

I'm here. We just got wind and rain pretty much. I slept through the worst of it I think. My swing out back was tipped over which tells me the wind was up pretty strong.

I heard on the radio this morning a tornado touched down in Millington. There was a pretty amazing story told. This young couple who had only owned the house for a year was hit by the storm. THe guy was literally sucked out of the house as was the girlfriend. They had two babies. They found the two year old but couldn't find the baby. I guess God's hand was on that little one because they found her under a pile of debri. Her crib had overturned caging her in with the mattress on top of her and then carpets came down over that. She was safe and sound. They are all OK but the house is totally gone.

It's cloudy and windy here but not cold at all. I'm happy for the rain. We were so dry. I've got 9 new twelve foot tall blue spruce I'm babying that just got planted a week ago. Good thing they are all staked down well. I also put down some grass seed that got a good drink.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm glad to here that you are fine its windy here but otherwise a much better evening I hope every one else is doing well also

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

We didnt get much of anything here-lots of wind all day today though
3 people died last night in Mich :(
Did anyone see about that 14mo old baby that was missing and found alive under piles of the house!! wicked weather for sure!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I think shes destined for grate things in life

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes we were listening to that on the news I was almost in tears. Could you imagine? They must've been frantic. Ronna

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