Variegated porcelain berry not variegated

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

It's in full sun and lost it's variegation almost immediately when I planted it. Will it ever come back?

I have other plants that first come out variegated and as the summer comes along, they loose their variegation,

I really wanted this one to stay variegated.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey Kathy It's Julie...who you sent Brugs to!! I have Porcelain berry and a young one or small one will often look as if it is all green but possibly not. I've had mine for 5 years and the small ones always start out a little different looking. If you know the real SIZE of the GREEN variety you could tell because the leaf is slightly small and more with
more seration or definition. If it is not a decent size you may have to just sit and wait for it to grow some.
Julie Hi!!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I bought both mine as gallon size plants, one was solid color and one was variegated, you could definitely tell the variegated one, it also had a different looking leaf shape to it than the solid one did, but it quicklly lost it's variegation.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Kathy Ann I have lots of the verigated one. I can send a dozen or so plants surely several of them will hold their verigation for you. My vine is 4 years old and is THICK. It makes lots of babies that I give out regularily. You are welcome if you want some I will send. One good turn.....

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I apprecaite it julie, I'm just wondering if mine may need to be moved, it's big too, not as big as yours, it hasn't dropped seed to make new ones yet. I don't have another place to put more of them though they'd have to go in the same area as this one is. I'd like to just hold off till least next spring and see if new growth comes in variegated, It may be cause the vine is in FULL sun, and needs to be in partial shade which will mean I have to move it for sure then.

they make babies regularily ha? I didn't realize that. would be nice if I had some variegated babies next spring LOL

thanks though for your offer, maybe we could hold off till next spring and see what mine are going to do.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Well it seems that EVERYTHING reseeds in MY yard...easily!! All of my soil was brought in or made from compost and decayed wood chips. My soil is black and beautiful!! Every thing that is non evasive or not easily reseeded reseeds like crazy in my yard. I have tons of babies. The seeds fall and reseed easily. I will send a pic.
Be glad to give what ever you need in spring.
On another topic. Would you recommend me putting my new baby Brug cuttings in soilless mix or water? Please tell me what YOU would do?

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I don't use soiless mix, I just use potting soil, the good kind,

I normally don't have any problems at all rooting the brugs in potting soil.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

I went out and got some pics of my porcelain vine. Some leaves are all green some are variegated.

Thumbnail by jazzzy704
Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

OHHHHH I turned the pic. around but now it's sideways again. Sometimes I could just......

Thumbnail by jazzzy704
Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Well I'll try again.

Thumbnail by jazzzy704
Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

ok one more

Thumbnail by jazzzy704
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

you have a nice huge vine there LOL, and variegated too, is it in full sun?

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