White scaevola seeds?

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Hello: I have an incredible blue scaevola in bright, hot sun, which I water occasionally (even in our present drought!). I would love to grow them from seed, but even more I would like white scaevolas.

Does anyone know whether it can be grown from seed or how it is propagated? Someone told me that it cannot. so how can I raise some myself?? And where do the ones in the store come from?

Thanks, C.

Plantersville, AL(Zone 8a)

They are propagated by cutting; the whites, pinks, and bicolor are patented and some of the blues. Blue Fan is a great non-patented scaevola. Rooting is very difficult.

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Thank you Wrightgardens, that's too bad, I was hoping. Si, I guess, I will have to buy a few each year. Are the whites ones as heat tolerant as the Blue Fan. do you know?

Plantersville, AL(Zone 8a)

The whites don't bloom well when it's hot and are long-day plants. They don't start blooming until May here in Alabama. The last time I planted them outside, they were evergreen due to our mild winters and did not bloom from October til May. The plants did survive nights of low 20's and lived for about three years before I finally pulled them up. The Blue Fan is my favorite, but I also like the Bombay Pink.

Thumbnail by Wrightgardens
Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

That is a lovely picture!!! Amazing that they can survive such low temps. We are expecting freezing in about two weeks (acc. to AccuWeather), so I'll see how mine will do. I still want to try the white ones next year, and I may try to either screen them a little or find a place where they don't get full blasting sun all day long.

Would you know of any other annual that will do well in heat and sun, perhaps a little neglect and is WHITE?

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