welcome to another Michiganer...Fulltimefred...

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Nice to have you join us...you will be glad you joined us...Tell us all about you...




Thumbnail by WantabeGardener
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Yes welcome to the site! you will luv it here!

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Welcome Fred!! Hope to see you around.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)



Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

hope you stick around here its lots of fun and great people!!!!!!!!!!!

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello everyone. I am new to this site. So hi to all. I am an advanced master gardener
with a real love for planting and a real lack of any specialities. I do prefer and have growing almost anything that flowers. But because I find myself without help and in the middle years i am trying to rethink that strategy and take out some flowers and do more hard scaping. I am just in the throws of taking out some flower beds and getting in some rocks, trees and shrubs. I am on 3/4 of an acre with very little grass left to mow!
Well tell me all about YOU!! Who is here from MI. and what do you grow??

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Jazzy welcome to the michigan..group..hehehe...just join in...I must have missed you joining..I try and put out a welcome..matt..for all of you'se..hehehe...

just join right in...smiles...and welcome..Diana---here is yours...smiles...again..

Thumbnail by WantabeGardener
Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Hay Jazzy nice to hear from you I live out side of Midland on Sanford lake and am trying to redo the back yard that got tore up not much grass or any thing else for that matter I grow about any thing that will grow here stick around its great here

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)


I hear you on the downsizing of the flower beds. I actually moved away from mine. :) I had my front and back yard full of beds at my old city house downstate. It was a real showplace but I must have spent a minimum of 20 hours a week working out there to keep it all perfect. I just got tired of all the work.

We bought a 28 acres farm in AuGres. Twenty acres are in woods and I mow the other 7 or so. We put in a big 60 x 300 pond and filled it with fish to eat so that took out a lot of my mowing. I have a great big riding mower and I just love to mow. It's my favorite thing to do. :)

When we moved here I said I was not going to have all those flowers. I made one 15 x 45 foot bed out front and that's it. All my perennials got transplanted into that. I do have a few trellis with something planted on them and some containers with annuals but I've pretty much stuck with my promise. I'm 57 years old now and I know I won't be able to keep up with all that in the future. As it is I use all the tricks like Preen in March and lots of mulch etc. I've been buying trees. They don't need all the fuss and muss so that is where my new passion lies..........lots of pretty trees.

Oh, and we started vegetable gardening. I put in a 30 x 50 foot veggie garden with an 8 foot vinyl clad cyclone fence around it. It's the only way to keep the critters out. Hubby helps me with that garden and it does help with the grocery bill.

I keep looking for shortcuts and easy ways to garden. It's hard not to want to give in to the urge to plant more flowers though. :)

Maybe you can share some of your tips with us.


Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey Brenda, Hey Gloria, Hey Cindy, Hey Wanta, Hey NotMartha!!!
We at least have some weather conditions in common, notice I said SOME!!
AuGres you get reallll cold up there and snowy eh?? Where is Jerome? I know where
Melvindale is and beautiful Bay City ( I am an old house lover so Bay City is one
great spot to view lots of old beauties) and where is Sanford?? Ok can the rest of you all tell me a little about your selves and your gardens too so we can find our common threads!!!
Loon, what a beautiful, peacefull life you must have up there!! And yopu have your partner/husband to share it with how lucky you are!! Are you both retired?? You are awfully young but could be. That pond sounds like a LAKE!!! What do you have in it??
Do you swim in there? Fish in there? What a pond tell all!! Pics are great too!!
I look forward to get to know all of you. I joined last year but never really got into it I got so busy. This year I am trying to take time to learn more and get together with people like me ....plant heads!!!
Just brought in all my cuttings of begonia, coleus, and repotted up all my over
winter stuff, lemon tree, Limequat, Jasmine, gardinias, lots of house plants,
ivys and such!! I also cleaned and set up my winter growing rack. I'll post a pic.
Well have a good morning!! AHHHH my coffee!!!!!! and my GREENS!!!!!!
What a great life!!!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Hey Julie
Im a mom of 5 boys and have 2 left here at home ages 14 (almost)and 11(almost)and
2 beautiful grandbabies-a boy and a girl!!!!
I have been gardening here on the families centennial farm now for about 15yrs. I started with a circle garden in the middle of the circle driveway, then headed out around the pool, then up to the garage and then I went crazy and made a HUGE garden around a pear tree.
It has sidewalks and fountains and benches and FLOWERS of all kinds. I added a iris bed off to the side(took over the veggie garden) Then another co-op and another Iris bed.
A few years ago i got into daylilies pretty heavy and now i have 3 beds of those and daylily seedlings everywhere. The past couple years I started some hosta and now am over 200 of those mixed with coral bells and foam flowers and other shade plants. I have over a acre of flowers to tend to now!
I hybridize daylilies and try to invent a new unseen bloom

I bought a 69 camaro last yr and got it on the road this summer-i have been having a riot in it. Going to car cruises and just zooming around!

I have been a member here at daves since it first started so i have watched each of you join us and the site GROW n GROW!
I have had 5 spring plant trades here at the house-great people and great fun!
I luv to have fun and make people laugh!
Over the yrs i have posted several garden photos, but here is one of my favorites
If you have any Questions just ask-if i cant answer them-someone else will!
great group of michiganders here!!!

rainy day here with the grandbabies and my 2nd oldest just left for him home in Vegas so its a totally gloomy day here for me!

Thumbnail by notmartha
Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

The colors are glorious!! If this is your yard then you live in Heaven!!!
It's just how I pictured it too!!
Wow! Irises and Daylillys. Well sounds like you are one busy lady.
I never had any children. 5 boys! What a blessing! I only wish.
You must have seen lots of sport games. I don't know how you found the time
for everything. But I am glad you did cause your pics are to die for.
Thank you for offering to answer my quests.
I have 3/4 of an acre. I have a very old Victorian "Italianate" house. It is on the main st. in my old downtown here.
There was nothing here growing and the house was in need of lots of work when I bought it. I have tried for these 18 years to resurrect it.
I have many ques. to ask but sadly none tonight as i am too tired. I must go to
sleep now. It was great to find you all hope to hear from more of you . And thank you NotMartha for your little description and picture of the Bay City bit o' Heaven!!

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