Question about hummingbirds

Fellsmere, FL(Zone 9b)

Do hummingbirds appear during the daylight hours? I saw my first ever hummingbird early this morning. It was so quick. He/she was at one of my plants getting some nectar. It was only there for about a minuet then flew off. I thought it might return but so far it hasn't. So I was wondering since it's lighter now if this might be the reason it hasn't returned.


Marlton, NJ

Hi Marilyn, He might be traveling through your area going south.

My friend in Melbourne has seen 2 so far in the last few weeks but they were just migrating through.

If you have plenty of plants for them then I'm sure 1 or 2 will settle in your area.

Your south of Melbourne; right?

Yes they start feeding in the early morning and go through the whole day into early evening feeding on plants etc.

Ususally they feed every 15- 20 minutes besides what bugs they catch.

Hope this helped. Pelle

Fellsmere, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Pelle,for your response and yes I am south of Melbourne. I have several firecracker plants and a hummingbird feeder out for them. It sure was exciting see this little guy. Guess I will try to keep a lookout for them now that I know they are around.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, Marilyn-- Here's an idea I read about on a HB website:

If the HBs are migrating through your area and you want to snag a few more to your propery, try putting out a red (plastic) bunch of flowers or a red ribbon near your feeder to attract them.

Some say they can see red from a 1/2 mile or more away and will come to investigate. Once they see your set-up and decide they like it they may stay longer or come back again in a few months to lay their eggs...

Just an idea... good luck... t.

Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

Now if I can just climb to the tops of my oak trees next February and place the red ribbons. Then avoid the guys in the white suits who come looking, I should be swamped with hummers.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

ha ha--well, a lot of folks around here decorate their yards in such a way for the hummers. It does look a bit odd though, but some say it works! LOL

Milwaukee, WI

Another thing that works great--though a bit expensive--is to buy a red Hummer, only about $40,000, and park it in your garden.

Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

Maybe if I bought a red smock at walmart and wore it while I am outside. The added bonus to that is that the neighbors would no longer be surprised at me laying on the ground to get a pic of the underside of a mushroom.

Fellsmere, FL(Zone 9b)

I have added a few more red plants to my yard. I added some red salvia and a firebush. Already have a jatropha and a firespike plant.

Marlton, NJ

Sounds good Marilyn!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I pinned a big red flower to my garden hat and had lots of hummers come up to investigate while I was weeding last summer.

I miss my hummers so if you see them, tell them I said Hi! and to come back next spring--I'm planting an extra special hummer garden for them next year!

Marlton, NJ

Thats funny tabasco (flower hat).

I think alot of us are adding extra Hummingbird favorites next year!

I'll D mail you (inquiring minds want to know what new plants your getting in). :-)

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

I miss my hummers too. I think they are finally gone - sniff.

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