Vineman's wisteria request list

Rumors of my passing to the great beyond are,to say the least,exagerated.I have not forgotten you,I've just been too overloaded with "things that need to be done".All things come to those who wait,and should the pleasant gardeners on my list still care to receive a wisteria plant,they shall.Within the next four weeks I hope to fill the next 11 requests,and they are:Lantana,Shirley Norman,Dori Sumstad,Sdoglover1512,Donna Brickman,Dizzy45,Zabrina Wilson,D.Hauk,nett,rung 4,and guynh.If your name is on this list and you still want wisteria,please let me know.I will not be able to fill any more requests for wisteria at this time.Thank you for your patience.Vineman.

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