Birds Ignoring Suet Feeder

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi all -

I recently installed a suet feeder and the birds seem to just be ignoring it. Thery flock to the seed feeder in the yard, but ignore the suet -- which I thought would be more popular. Most of the birds at my seed feeder are wrens and carolina chickadees.
The suet feeder is hanging from a branch, about 8 feet from the ground and it is about 5 feet from bushes-- so that the bird can have some cover. Thoughts??

Marlton, NJ

How long has it been up?

New items tend to scare birds and it might take them a while to try it.

What type of suet are you using?

Also if its hanging from a tree they might feel vulnerable in the fact that they will not be able to see a predator coming soon enough (like a Hawk). Pelle

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

It has been hanging for about four weeks with no takers. I don't recall the type of suet I am using, other than it is organic and includes insects. The branch I choose is in the open, so that the birds would have a good line of site for any predators, and there are the bushes nearby for cover if needed.

I think I may try switching the suet. If that does not work, I'll move the site.

Marlton, NJ

Sounds like a good plan! Let us know how things work out. Pelle :-)

Lawrenceville, GA

Baxter, put the suet feeder near the feeder they're already attracted to so they can't miss it.
I do get wrens on my suet cakes (I just buy the cakes at WalMart) but seldom see a chickadee on it... and not for a lack of chickadees... they just seem to prefer seeds.
Woodpeckers are frequent customers at my suet cakes.

Marlton, NJ

LOL, Hey its about time you showed up Judy!

Hope your doing well; don't be a stranger dear! Pelle :-)

Have you seen any new birds coming through?

Baxter, I've never seen organic suet before; where did you find that?

I have an Insect Suet out which is very popular but it is hanging with the other feeders.

Lawrenceville, GA

Pelle... I'm hoping the departure of the hummingbirds means the arrival of the bluebirds is imminent. I have the seeds all ready for 'em. (some of you will get that.. others might not and that's OK!)
AND mealworms will be purchased when it gets colder. If I get 'em now, the titmice eat 'em like I'm feeding M&Ms.
The woodpeckers are back en masse, albeit no pileateds ..... YET.

Marlton, NJ

Do you have Red-bellieds Judy?

Lawrenceville, GA

I do, Pelle... and they're so stinkin' cute!
I have a family of 'em. I hear them before I see them... the mom and dad come screeching through the woods next to my house and the babies, a few octaves higher, come screeching along behind them.
The other day I looked out and on my seed cake feeder, a male red-bellied, on the suet cake feeder a foot away in the same tree, his Mrs. So cute!

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