Question about sifted compost

Pioneer, CA

I have a 30 gallon garbage can full of compost that I sifted this summer and want to keep until next Spring. Will it still be "good" after being held so long? It's full of worm castings and I could add it to the beds now but prefere to wait. Would love some info from the experts here.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Oh, no - it won't last another 24 hours unless you send it to *me*. This is the only place in the country that it would have any hope of making it.

Cooler, you know. But not too cold.

>ingratiating grin<

Pioneer, CA

LOL--- Now I have my answer, I'll use it in April. Thanks

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

You know, ya try to point them the right way ....

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Jacquie: I see you live in CA. You should try to keep it moist, though. In my part of the world it gets too cold for compost organisms to be very active in winter, but I'm not sure about your part of the world.


Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Jacquie - is Pioneer east of Sacramento - can't remember...
What's your zone there?

Pioneer, CA

Pioneer os East of Sacramento, zone 7.
I really do love it here, but Winter is on the way and it is not my favorite time of the year. Actually, I can't stand the snow if I need to go outside. I grew up in the bay area and this is quite different.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Ditto for me. I lived in San Francisco back in the early 70's, and I think the coldest temps during that time was about 35 - 40° or so. Easy to deal with, although I am now east of Seattle & while we don't get very much snow for very long, the ice makes driving very tricky: lots of steep hills here.
I'd prefer to fast forward to March/April. Then it's just wet & cold. Which, by the way, i don't like either!

Pioneer, CA

I loved San Francisco years ago, it's so different now, we don't even go there. I was born in South San Francisco and loved that area. The 60's were the best times for SF, sure had a lot of fun.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

yes, those were golden days!
I've no desire to live there again, but it definately imprinted itself upon me: something I've not ever been able to shake.
It is, however, where the gardening bug bit!
My flat had a sunroom that turned into a greenhouse. Fun stuff!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Beginner question: why do you sift compost?

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

To get the chunks out! - Some things, like avocado seeds for example, don't compost as rapidly. Sift & throw the big things back into the pile.

Crozet, VA

I learned something new today.


Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

I was speaking from experience - once was removing the black gold from the bottom & had resistance in one shovelful. It turned out to be a sprouted avocado seed with a "stem" about 3' long up & into the top middle of the pile. I do not turn my compost - I layer it & let the worms work it for me: that's why this could happen.

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