Chilly morning!

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

It's 34 in my greenhouse! My puppy woke me up at 0245 so I've been up since then.
Oh well, gives me an extra long day to get things done, right?

Well, I've got a double batch of yeast rolls in the oven rising right now. I'm showered and ready for church except to get dressed.

Animals are fed, just waiting for the 3 biggest animals to wake up :)

After church, more yard work! Our yard looks like war-torn Beirut right now, lol.

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Ms.Katt...........cold here too up in AuGres.....32 degrees.....turned on the Fireplace in sunroom...(it runs on propane)..yeast rolls rising.....sounds to share the recipe ....


Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

* 2 cups hot water
* 1/2 cup margarine
* 1/3 cup white sugar
* 2 teaspoons salt
*1/2 cup cold water
* 2 (.25 ounce) packages active dry yeast (4 1/2 tsps)
* 5 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
* 2 eggs

1. Melt margarine in hot water. Add sugar and salt and stir. Add cold water and yeast. Stir to dissolve yeast.
2. Add 3 cups flour and mix. Add eggs and 2 1/2 - 3 cups more flour. Mix, cover and let rise until dough doubles in size.
3. Punch down and let rise 30 more minutes or until doubles.
4. Make walnut size balls of dough. Place about 2 inches apart in well-buttered 9 x 13 inch pan. Bake in a preheated 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) oven for 30-45 minutes. Brush top of rolls with margarine while hot.

***That is the original recipe...but I always have to tweak!! I eliminated the 1/2 cup of cold water. It was a sticky gooey mess when I used it. I used lukewarm water and added melted butter then the sugar, yeast and salt.

I made cinnamon buns this morning, so I used 1/2 warm milk and 1/2 warm water for a richer dough.

Lexington, MI(Zone 6a)

Rolls sound great! Chilly here this morning but at least there's no frost like yesterday. Had to move a lot of my plants and cuttings into the house as DH hasn't gotten the new plastic on the greenhouse yet! Need to spend the afternoon doing more cleaning and putting things to bed. We've been canning tomatoes so the house has stayed warm enough not to have to run the furnace. Sure wish we had a wood stove. Sounds cozy. Deer were out in the gardens yesterday morning. They've been pretty good all summer and only ate my yellow beans.

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

It got down to 30 here during the night and I had frost on the ground this morning. Hubby and I spent the day working out side. We decided to take down our burn pit and clean out all the ash and put clean soil back in it's place. That was hard work. Thank goodness we have a tractor with a bucket for scooping. I worked at taking all my cutsey stuff and putting it away in the garage for winter. We've been watering out new trees. Almost done. Next weekend we'll lay down all the statuary and bird baths. I'll be glad when the last fall chore is over with. Need to put the snow shovels by the back door and doorwall. I like to be prepared. :) I keep a bucket of salt by the back door also. We'll wake up one of these mornings to snow. Got to get my snow tires put back on the van soon. This year I have to flush my radiator and put fresh antifreeze in it.

Except for being dry we had a great summer I think. I shouldn't complain. Down south they have had it much worse than we have. I read that Atlanta may not even have any drinking water next year. Worst drought since they've been keeping records over 100 years ago. :(

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