My wonderful woodpeckers have returned !!!!

Atlanta, GA

So I have been looking and looking for the woodys to return. I made some calls and located Phil Spivey of Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources 229-227-5422 in Thomesville Ga.. A very nice chap who calmed me and reasured me that the woodys were around and probably had found better treats than what I was offering..(cant imagine that !). He told me to walk around outside and listen and look... and low and behold...I heard a woody ...then a few days ago Im watching my feeders and there is a woody not sure which one ...then my husband later that day said theres a Downey at the feeder, Im so thrilled !! Oddly enough Im not seeing my Gold Finch anymore. I stopped seeing the woodys at the feeders about the same time Gold finch appeared. Anyway Im a happy bird watcher again...and thanks to all who responded and you Pell and my dear friend Sue whos birds I stole when I started feeding years ago on Stirrup Way in Tampa many years ago .....

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

How nice they are returning! I especially enjoy the WP. My daughter had a famliy of Acorn WP, until a neighbor decided to cut down the dead oak on a vacant lot. (not his) She hasn't seen one since.

Marlton, NJ

Hi tomsawyer! I'm so glad you posted again!

Not 2 weeks after you said you weren't seeing your WP's my Red-bellied WP's stopped coming around to the feeders but I knew they were still here as I would step outside in the early evenings and hear them calling back & forth to one another.

Then a week or 2 ago I saw a red-bellied WP rooting around in my weed filled gardens so their making their way back into the yard.

My Downys never stopped coming; they especially love the Suet Log I bought along w/ the Peanut Silo filled with peanut halves. They are such a friendly brave little bird!

So happy for you tom! Did the man give you any feeding tips? Pelle :-)

Marlton, NJ

Hi tom, Here is the photo of him (the RBW) in the weed garden.

Its not a good pic but you can definitely see its him. :-)

Thumbnail by pelletory
Atlanta, GA

Hi Pelle ! Any picture of a Woody is a good one so thanks for that one ! No tips from him just that they were probably feeding on something they were liking better. I have peanut butter out for them which they were enjoying before they disappeared. And to Tigerlilly sorry about the old tree loss I dont think I have ever seen an Acorn they have another name ? We have some dead trees on our land in Murphy NC they wll remain as a haven for these wonderful birds. And as always to all.. thanks for the feedback.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

I don't know of any other name for them, but perhaps you're unfamiliar with the Acorn WP because you don't have them back there. They're a western bird, found in parts of SW Oregon, most of California and Nevada, and very small areas of New Mexico and Texas. They're sometimes refered to as the clown of the woods. I'd encourage you to do a search on them, as they're very interesting birds. The famlies remain together, and they gather and store acorns for winter in a dead tree, called a granary tree. To my knowledge, this is a unique habit.

This message was edited Oct 16, 2007 10:55 PM

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Here he is on the granary tree.

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

A section of the granary tree. See the acorns stored there? The WP will likely have it stuffed before the winter sets in.

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Atlanta, GA

Tigerlilly..many thanks for the great photos and information on the acorn wps.. Gosh what a beautiful bird. Makes me want to move from the south east. So impressed with your photos...many thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suzan

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

You're most welcome, and thank you.

Ah, but we don't have the Cardinals and other gorgeous birds that you folks get to enjoy. That's why sharing images and knowledge is so enjoyable I suppose.

Lawrenceville, GA

Isn't it interesting to read about what birds are where and where they're not? While I'd be birdwatching and say "oh... another cardinal," Tigerlilly doesn't get to enjoy them much.
And don't get me started on you people who take for granted your population of pileated WPs. You know who you are.

Marlton, NJ

Ahhh, another genteel message from our girl Judy,LOL.

Judy are you able to get out and about to different types of places to view birds?

Its amazing the different types of microclimates there are in a small area where you would definitely see different birds.

Thats about the only thing I could suggest. Pelle :-)

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Judy, I have NEVER seen a cardinal, though I do get a now and then visit from the Pileated. I guess it's a trade off, depending on your locality.

I'm selfish though, because I want them all. ;-)

Lawrenceville, GA

I have, Pelle... but I'm fascinated by the birds of other countries, etc., too... When Wallaby and Kennedyh post pictures.... really cool! Stuff I wouldn't see otherwise.
Do you remember me saying something about treating myself for THE birthday (I'll let you guess which one) to a birdwatching trip? I'm going to COSTA RICA! I'm really excited.
Also, when the boyfriend and I were on a cruise in Alaska.... we saw PUFFIN! Fascinating... and NOT something I'd find in Gwinnett County, no matter HOW hard I looked for 'em!
P.S. I've been called lots of things ... "genteel" ain't one of 'em... or wasn't!

This message was edited Oct 18, 2007 2:13 PM

Marlton, NJ


I have a relative that lives in Costa Rica so it wouldn't be a problem for me as far as lodging goes but all the walking would be a problem.

Congratulations Judy! I'm so happy for you!

Of course you know we all will be expecting plenty of pics and storys from you on your return so stock up on the camera supplies etc.

Hope your getting plenty of info on the best wildlife/birdwatching spots to go.

I know you'll have a wonderful time.! Pelle :-)

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

A friend and I recently concluded that if we were to be able to travel, we'd like to go to Central or South America on a bird watching trip.

Judy, you are envied! You lucky dog is absolutely right!

Lawrenceville, GA

I've now been called "genteel" and "dog." It's been a great day for me!!!!!!!!!

Marlton, NJ

Genteel Dogs Rule!!!! :-)))

Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

As a southern gentleman let you assure you that all southern belles are genteel...unless they choose to be other wise. At one time in the south(in the not so distance past) any mention of a dog in any form, shape or fashion when referring to a lady posed the risk of starting a fued that might last for generations. It would most certainly start a popularity war where all the belles were quick to choose sides.

Marlton, NJ

Ugh Oh! No way am I getting into a fued w/ Judy!

She's tenacious!

Its up to you tiger; you called her a dog first!

Judy, Are you sure your not a Northern girl; who just later moved to the South? :-)

It thats true it wouldn't count ; right Frank? :-)

Florence, MS(Zone 8b)


Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

OH DEAR! I certainly meant no disrepect!

Actually, I meant is as a compliment! (like I'm envious, as I said) I'm one of those folks that loves her dogs much more than I like most of the people I know. ;-)

Frank, I do hope you're not trying to be a troublemaker here. I'm really a very nice person, really I am.

Marlton, NJ

rotflol !!!

Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

nope, no trouble maker. I just feel a little fiesty sometimes. LOL I was just refering to the way things used to be. You would had to have lived here to know how it was. We still call all ladies,"Miss ______" The blank being their first name.
No matter their age.

Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

We still open doors and give up our seats.

Marlton, NJ

Glad to hear that.So does my DH ; he's a Northerner.

Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

We also still say,"Sir" and "Mam"

Lawrenceville, GA

Tigerlilly... I was just kidding! Like you, I'm a dog person. I have two dogs that I'd rather spend time with than most of the people I meet.
Pelle... I'm originally from Missouri. So "I ain't from around here" if you know what I'm sayin'.
Frank... you're a man among men.
Happy birding, you crazy cats. (there, Tiger... now we're even!)

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)


The last thing I'd ever want to do is upset anyone.

I like cats too, but since I live right on the highway, it's not a good idea to have them here.

Here's another Acorn WP for you.

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Marlton, NJ

Oh geez I thought you were kidding yourself tiger!

I'm So sorry about that!

LOL, that darn Judy is always starting trouble! (just kidding :-) )

Love the Acorn WP pic tiger!

Lawrenceville, GA

I'm a trouble startin' genteel dog.
I think I'll just go pout and maybe feed birdSEED to my blue(nospace)birds now.

This message was edited Oct 19, 2007 2:36 PM

Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

Pouting is a southern belle thing! How long did you say you have lived down south Judy? and I thought I was the trouble maker.

Marlton, NJ

Oh Fiddledeedee!!!

Lawrenceville, GA

Been here round 'bout sebbun years now, Frank.

Marlton, NJ


See I wasn't wrong about her! ;-)

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Don't be sorry! I WAS kidding. That's the biggest problem w/ the net. The body language just doesn't come through.
Stop that pouting now, Judy, or I'm gonna sit here and cry, LOL

Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

OH! NO! Don't cry! I can't stand that! It gets me everytime.

Marlton, NJ

Now we know your weak point Frank!

Wheres my crying emoticon?

Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

I went to a picnic area on a national parkway Tuesday and discovered woodpeckers were every where. I kept running from tree to tree trying to get pics.
The park rangers started watching me and seemed to be laughing at something. I need to get a shirt with big bold letters printed on it, "BIRD PHOTOGRAPHER"

Marlton, NJ

Oh wow what types of WP's??

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