A bit worried about my moonbean coreopsis - questions

(Zone 4a)

From what I have read in this board the yellow moonbeam coreopsis will only last a few years? Is this true? You mean my plants won't improve year after year but go downhill?? I am sort of devastated by this news because I love them so much.

Someone has also given a review on the pink one and it wasn't as good as I was hoping for.

I did plants a few coreopsis from seeds (can't remember the name) but they do have the thicker leaves with the flowers come out taller than the plant onl little spikes. I hope those are good ones??

Should coeropsis plants be well mulched for the winter??? Oh yeah and when we talk about mulch can the fallen leaves and pine needles be included in that mulch....does compost provide a mulch as well. Sorry for all the questions.

One last night - to mulch the plants for winter I am only covering the ground around the plant, correct?

This message was edited Oct 13, 2007 9:51 PM

This message was edited Oct 13, 2007 9:52 PM

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

I have yellow coreopsis which has been returning for at least five years, although they do seem a little less florific this year. I tried the pink variety once but it did not survive the winter. I don't bother to mulch mine, but probably they would benefit from mulch in a cooler zone. I'll let the other experts here fill you in on how to mulch, but it is my feeling that compost and pine needles seem to make better (and neater) mulch than leaves, so I usually put the leaves in the mulch pile to rot.

North Augusta, ON

I use my compost(mulch) as a soil amendment...around the plants. If something needs extra protection in the winter I use leaves as a cover(mulch), I'll put a little fence or a tomato cage around a plant and fill it full of leaves, the cage or fence keeps the leaves from blowing away. In the spring they go into the compost.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

My moonbeam has done well (4 or 5 years). I posted about a very short-lived pink one, but I don't know if that was just me.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

My Yellow bloomed nicely for a few years but has been petering out the 1st couple of years. The pink one was a disaster.

North Augusta, ON

My yellow coreopsis has been blooming strong for years!!! I have divided and divided and now have it all over the place!!!

Thumbnail by threegardeners
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Nice, but that's not Moonbeam. My other yellow Coreopsis has been very strong too - keeps re-seeding as well. It's Moonbeam alone that has petered out.

North Augusta, ON

I'm beginning to think some coreopsis are annuals up here......

Deering, NH(Zone 4b)

Pink and Moonbeam did not live thru the first winter for me. The regular yellow coreopsis is very strong though.

(Zone 4a)

Well I guess I am lucky that the moonbeam did return for me this year....I guess I should probably count on replacing it every few years.....too bad. I just can't go without it now....

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

My Zagreb and Moonbeam have been going strong now for about 6 growing seasons now. Zagreb is the one that definitely wins the prize. It never stops flowering, it never stops spreading, and just keeps going and going and going...it should have been named Coreopsis 'Energizer'
The Moonbeam has behaved a heck of a lot better than Zagreb has.
The pink coreopsis, I have no faith in and treat as an annual...occasionally a small errant clump will show it's face somewhere, but never where it was originally planted.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Great to hear that about Zagreb, now that I have a piece of yours.

(Zone 4a)

Hemhostaholic could you possibly post a pic of your coreopsis? I would love to see them!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

HHH - my Zagreb is 15 years old and now in more than one spot and just gets bigger each year.

The pink one was a big dud.

(Zone 4a)

What is a zagreb?? Any pics?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Zagreb is the capitol of Croatia but I think you mean the coreopsis with the same name! (Just smile, Dawn)

It's like Moonbeam, a threadleaf coreopsis, but much more golden in color. I doubt if I have a photo but I'll check. Sorry, Dawn, no photos of it.

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

I don't, and, I just cut everything back...I believe next year, there are several DG members who will have some of my plants off-sprigs...lol.
I have seen this plant grow between sidewalks, between mortar breaks, in the foundation of my home...I have an old home with a stone foundation that needs to be pardged(sp?)...in damp, in total dry, in clay, in every soil type I've seen here, and it always keeps on truckin.
pirl is absolutely right, it looks like a more golden yellow than Moonbeam, which Moonbeam always struck me as a pastelly yellow.

(Zone 4a)

Hey I think I have that one!!!!! OMG!!! Is it a bit taller and a deep yellow flower but the leaves look the same as the moonbeam??? If so I have it!!!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Then you'll probably have it for eternity.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

My moonbeam grew everywhere, I've pulled them out for years now. I think I finally got rid of them this year.

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Dawn, yes...it does. lol

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Cathy, I'm right with you there. It was labeledmoonbeam when I got it years ago; I had it in a whiskey barrel. Ours looks more like this:http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/80847/

Eventually we divided it in half into two containers; there was a tiny teeny eensy sprig left over which I tucked in back of a new bed we had just finished. The new containers died over the winter, but I've been trying to get rid of the tiny teeny eensy sprig ever since. It was nice at first, but then it invaded the entire bed. I've been sending clumps of it to DGers for years now it seems. Every time I think I've gotten it all out, I'll see another pretty yellow flower in the middle of something else. It self seeds as well, but it definitely spreads by underground runners, like mint does. (Are they related?) Maybe next year I'll stick what I find in a container again. Good luck, Dawn.

xx, Carrie

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