What is this pretty interloper ??

Merino, Australia

I have 2 of these that came from somewhere. I cannot remember planting them ( no comments please , I am not forgetful about plants )
I do not know what they are but they are very pretty. I'm wondering if there may have been seeds in a pot plant I have planted out . The plants have been growing in 2 separate places about 4 metres apart . They have been there since last Autumn and did nothing much until we had quite a bit of rain a few months ago. They have grown to about 3' high and grow very much like a foxglove. The flowers are as you see, pretty yellow with a darker centre. If they self seed later it will be great as they seem to not be bothered by anything.
I also have some lovely wallflowers in a burgundy and a brown/yellow that came up from a lot of old hay bales I was given. It was a nice surprise to see them as there were dozens of them. On asking about where the hay came from, I was told it had been sitting in an old shed for over 20 yrs , so where the hay originally came from ia a mystrey, but I have some nice plants from it. Beats the usual weeds one gets from hay.
Happy gardening.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Forgot to add other mystery plant ( again , no comments on my memory)
This tree has a very pretty blue pea type flower and the perfume from the flowers is just lovely as you walk past it. The foliage is needlelike. Nothing seems to worry it and it has been growimg there for about 4 yrs now. I bought it at a sale somewhere with no name on it.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Blenheim, New Zealand

Hi sunset the lovely blue shrub is Psoralea pinnata

Both very pretty 77

Merino, Australia

Thank you, bootandall. Do you know if it has a common name. I have not seen one growing anywhere before but mine does very well. I do have it tied to steel post to hold it though , as where it is growing is open to very strong wind. It also helps keep it up from the path a bit too. It looks like it will grow a lot larger and havs a weeping habit.
I will try to grow a few from seed next year as it also seems to not need much water.
Have a happy day.

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

Psoralea pinnata is also known as Fountain Bush: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/102853/

Your first plant is one of the Mulleins in the genus Verbascum. I think it is the Twiggy Mullein or Wand Mullein Verbascum virgatum: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/2747/


Merino, Australia

Thank you kennedyh. I am going to try and make a list of the names I can find out of the various plants I have. It will be helpful if I want to sell them and people want to know their family and genus.
Have a happy day.

Blenheim, New Zealand

ken given one name , and I have heard it called Blue eyed shrub,and some keep it trimmed to about one and a half meters.
The one that was at work out grew it's self,and fell down,
but did leave seedlings.boot

sydney, Australia

im not sure but i think they may be on the weed list.

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