I need advice on how to seperate plants.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia


I would like to know how to seperate this border plant without killing it (I forgot it's name). lol lol

Also, I have regular Mongo grass and need to know how to devide them without killing them.

Please help me learn the correct way.

Thks my friends,


Thumbnail by Degarotty
Merino, Australia

Hello Debi.
While not having mondo grass, I do have 2 other similar grasses and I just tip them out of pot or dig from ground and divide into smaller pieces. Most grasses come apart easily into smaller sections. Replant where you want them and water well.
The plant in your picture looks really nice and it looks like some sort of succulent so I will leave any advice to the succulent lovers, probably chrissy and weed_woman.
Happy day.

Sorry D I don't recognize it ....if it is a succulent that's easy ...at first I thought it was a mum ....but it has a border on the leaf so I am not sure ....sorry.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

This plant is in my HAVE plant file.

I just dont want to kill it because I don't have many at the moment.

Thx, Chrissy


Oh yes Plectanthrus (hope I selt it correctly) ....let it grow a bit and just shove cuttings in very easy I have a purple and a white flowering type....my purple one spreads like a weed.....flowers late Summer through Autumn here.......hope that helps.....likes a sheltered position.
chrissy :)

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Thanks Chrissy,

Would you, when you have time, upload a photo of your purple and white one.
I would really love to see it.

Thx Heaps,


OK :)

Merino, Australia

Good morning all. Chrissy , I just read your post on the name of Debi's plant. I have some plants here that I bought years ago as Plectranthus. They grow to about 8' depending on the season. They have a largish soft leaf with a burgundy underside. they bloom in summer then die back in winter,. I cut them right back each year. they grow very esaily from the cuttings.
I also have a pot full of cuttings from a cousin who knows her plant name s and she calls them Plectranthus too
She sent me a slightly different leaf and color but same family. Have I got plants in the same family as Debi's or are we talkiing 2 different ones entirely ?
I am posting a pic of the one I have.
Looking in DG plant files, they all seem to be small plants
My cousin has hers as Plectranthus Ecklonii
Happy gardening.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Back again. I should have looked on internet first. I found my Plectranthus ecklonii and it is of the same family. I did not know how to find it in DG plant files but now I have the right genus etc, I found it there. It is family - Lamiacaea , genus Plectranthus. and whatever species name you are looking for.
Aren't I the clever one . I actually found a proper plant name. I will write it down so I don't forget.
I saw Debi's one too. It has a lot of relations. They all seem to be easy to propagate Debi. Good luck.
I am going to try and get the other colors mine comes in, I have the blue and there is also a pink and a white. They are tender, but as they grow more in the warm weather and die back here in cold it doesn't matter.
Have a great day all.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia


I think that is a great idea of getting one plant in each of it's colour's.
They would be incredible!

I might pinch that idea if I may and see what other colour's are out there................

I look forward to a picture when your collection grows.

I will do the same, if I can find any here????? LoL


Thumbnail by Degarotty
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hey 77,

I don't think this is a Plectanthrus as they grow to be a shrub size, by what I have found on the web, mine are not that.

They are just small plants that throw up little sucker's at times. I want to know the name of it?????


Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Debi,
I think we are going to need to see the flowers for a full ID. Yes it could be a Plectranthus there are quite a lot of them, but it's not one I specifically recognise. What is the cross section of the stem like? The Plectranthus are all Lamiaceae so that means, among other things, that they all have square stems, not round ones. The plant's growth habit is not much of a clue though they can be anything from a ground hugging creeper to a big shrubby bush. Here is one of my favourite Plectranthus, commonly known as Dog-Bane, Plectranthus caninius. The flowers are very pretty but they have a very peculiar "musty" smell so they are better outside in the garden bed than indoors in a vase. Apologies for the slightly blurry photo but it's the best I could find at the moment. KK.

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty

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