Mistake buying Sweet Autumn Clematis?

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

Just bought a SAC (Clematis ternifolia tag says) and now I read all the comments in the plant guide and it sounds like it will bury my house in a season. I want to plant it next to my garage on a small scale pergola (arbor) but I'm afraid it will latch onto the house (vinyl siding) and I'll have to constantly battle it. What do you think? We're not allowed to put up fences in my neighborhood, so the only other thing I can do with it is to put it on some sort of trellis away from the house. Do you think I can control it by cutting it back to the ground each season after it blooms and watching that it doesn't latch onto the siding. Some said you should prune it late winter, but then it will have produced seeds and that sounds more deadly. From what I read, I may not even be able to go on vacation for fear it will attach itself and grow too fast while I'm gone. LOL!

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

Im curious, Did you find anything out about this plant? I was wanting to get one this spring, But not sure where to plant it...2 possible locations...???

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

I've got one. Cut it to the ground every spring, and it comes back with a vengance. :) No problems with it self-seeding though -- thank goodness. It will eat everything in its path. Currently, it's eating my electric meter box (not such a bad thing), but you can't plant anything around it because it will take over where you plant it. So, if you have a great big, sunny spot, go for it. :)

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

thank you much!

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi there,

It took several years for our SAC to do anything but sit there.
Once it was thoroughly established, Clematis Beetles
devoured it. The next few years were spent fighting with the
bugs, until this year, it looks better than ever!

As with any vigorous vine, if allowed, it can become unkempt,
rowdy and such, but I'm of the opinion that this vine requires
effort most are not willing to devote. We have ours planted on
a chain link fence near a Black Walnut tree, so it is in partial
shade. If it appears messy, I simply whack it back, cut off the
ends and be done with it.

If left to it's own devices, of course it will go crazy one day, but
that is why this vine should be planted armed with knowledge.

Hope you will enjoy your new blooms next spring!

:-) KM

Thumbnail by WUVIE
Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)


Thanks and I agree that a little effort put into maintaining something reaps wonderful rewards and pleasure. It's going in the ground!

Thanks again to all!


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