spider mite

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

I still can't tell a spider mite from anything else. There must be a sure way to tell. I got out the magnify glass and still can't tell. Is there a good web sight to go to? I also have what I think is spittle bugs but no picture here so I'm not sure. It seems like by brugs have every pest known to man. And to top it off I own a termite company lol

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

This time of year I doubt if you have spittle bugs--they're around much earlier in the year and then they disappear, not to be seen again until next spring. I've never seen the actual spittle bugs, just the spittle which looks exactly like you would expect--sort of a frothy/bubbly looking blob of liquid on a plant (generally where the stem and leaf meet). Here's a pic of the spittle http://www.uwgb.edu/biodiversity/phenology/2007/spittlebug20000611.jpg

As far as spider mites--I'm sure someone can give you better advice on how to ID the mites themselves, but I've never needed to go that far. Usually the first sign I'll see is a mottled/stippled yellow pattern on the leaves, then when I look at the underside of the leaf, I can see little tiny, tiny reddish brown dots. Occasionally if they've gotten really bad I'll see a little bit of webbing, but once I got to know what the leaves look like when they're munching them, I typically catch them before they get to that point.

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

I guess I must be a visual person. I need pictures of what the leaves look like. Thats why I asked if there was a good web sight. I was looking around and found spittle bugs here on DG and am sure thats what I have in the spring. I also have alot of brown fat ugly hoppers of some sort that really gross me out. I would smash them but they are to fat and ugly to touch. I need to take some pictures myself. Now I need to figure out how to get rid of these pests. Thanks for the help

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Here are some pics of spider mite damage on leaves http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=spider+mite+damage&gbv=2

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks that does help.

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