Bat faced cuphea

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I love this plant. The colors are so vivid. Where are the seeds? Dont think I have ever seen them.

Thumbnail by rylaff
Pretoria, South Africa

Hi rylaff,

The seeds are protected in what looks like a "bubble". When they are ready the 'bubble" opens. I've found a lot of ants on mine. I suspect they do the pollination - the same as with the corkscrew vine.


Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks much.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

I really like the plant, too. I must have picked it up as a sad plant with no label, because I was pleasantly surprised when it bloomed in my favorite color combination. I've got two others plants that are bright pink, not purple and red-are there other cupheas? Haven't done my research yet. I started one from a cutting that broke off by just haphazardly sticking it in a handy pot with other plants. It thrived.


Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

This is year three for mine and I've had some reseed even. The oldest plants started looking a little straggly late this summer. Does anyone pinch them back in spring to keep them bushy?

Pretoria, South Africa

Hi teacup754,
I've cut mine right back after winter - not into the main stem, but close, and they do seem to like the treatment. They grow out stronger, and put up a lovely show.


Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

I just love this plant. In Zone 5 it is an annual for me. I planted mine in containers last year. A few have reseeded for me this year. After the flower falls off, the bottom is where the seeds develope. When they are ready the "pod" splits open and the seeds are exposed. My problem is the birds were eating the seeds. I cut the toe off of an old pair of panty hose and slipped it over a stem and tied it loosely and the ripe seeds ended up in the pany hose instead of lunch for the birds. lol. Mine is more red.


Thumbnail by DEMinPA
Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks, I will watch for them.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

How long do these plants bloom? Can they tolerate some shade? I live in Transylvania County so there are a lot of jokes about Dracula and bats in general. I'd love to have this plant.

Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

They bloom until the frost kills them here. Plant files states sun to part shade.


Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

Mine have been in bloom ALL summer. They do well in our heat and humidity.They don't get a ton of water but I do water occasionally when it is dry in the summer.In the winter they die back to the ground and I cut the dead stems back in late winter.My husband really likes them and I'm glad I got some"babies" to move around next year.They are one of the easiest plants for me to care for in my yard.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

do you grow them from seed? Where do you get them?

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

I grow Cupheas every year - here in the ever cool/wet/no-summer-to-speak-of-this-year area that I live, outside Seattle.
What has surprised me is that although I am in zone 7, the ones that were planted in pots have come back with a vengeance.
This is my first year with the BF's & I'm thinking about bringing one in for the next 4-5 months and leaving the others planted in various places to see if they'll make it through this winter. I figure that since the plants lived in pots through winter 2006, these ought to do just fine.
As far as pinching them - by all means, do! They branch out and flower heavier. Well - that's been my experience with them.
I have the tiny flowered ones, too - in golden-yellow, and in dark orange. They are small shrubs at this point, about 32" tall & wide. I just keep deadheading & they keep flowering.
Hopefully, this red/purple variety will be as hardy.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Katye, I live in the 2nd most rainy area of the lower 48 states, although this year we had a drought. So it sounds like this plant would be perfect for me. Can anyone tell me where I can order the plants or seeds?

Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

Woodspirit1, They sell them at the nurseries around here in Texas and to tell the truth I've never seen the seeds on my plants.Maybe if you asked at a locally owned nursery they could order one for you from a supplier.

Upstate, NY(Zone 5a)

They look VERY cool!! And really do look like a batface!!

"I live in Transylvania County so there are a lot of jokes about Dracula and bats in general." Woodspirit1 I agree you MUST have that plant too cute!!

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

woodspirit, I was able to start mine from dog-inspired cuttings just stuck in the dirt. Grew without hesitation.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I saw them at my nursery this year and was quite surprised that they only just now got them in because I know they aren't winter hardy here! I have no light in the house in the winter enough to keep them going anyway, they do need a lot of light don't they? If they don't I might go back and get one if they are still there.

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