Show us your bloomers!!

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

my newest dahlia... soooo gorgeous... so purple!

Thumbnail by Kassia
Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Painter's Pallete...
I love this plant!!!!

Thumbnail by Kassia
Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

can't resist staring at those dahlias...

Thumbnail by Kassia
Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Rhapsody in Blue

Thumbnail by Kassia
Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

moonflower vine!

Thumbnail by Kassia
The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Lovely, Kassia. And that purple one is breath-taking!
I don't think I've ever seen color that deep before.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

very nice shots kassia

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Nice photos pixie, Jan, and Kassia. My blooms are really winding down, so I'm glad you all still have some to post!! Eleanor

What are those green ones? Cacti or succulents? 'Olivette' is that the real name? I thought they were nick name Birds Nest? I have some of them. I had one that bloomed this year, it has a tall skinny pink thing that shot up from the middle. Does that mean I have a flower? Oh I feel dumb.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

schick, they are Chicken & Hens cultivators name is Olivette.

Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

This arctotis has been blooming all summer and will keep it up through some light frosts.

Thumbnail by bebop2
The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

That's so pretty!
I love the color. Is it an off-white in person?

Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

Yes, it is the very palest blue, almost white.

MY Kids That get Skunked.

In my yard. My Girls. Rox da Fox (L) full blooded Keeshond, 599 bucks (r) Xenia the Princess Warrior also known as - Zeen the Bean - She was beaten and starved, she had piano bones for a rib cage and contusions. I put my face on the line when I went into the pound to look for a dog. Men tried to get her and they could not get near her, she had one day left before put down. I had the Vet freaked out as she had her teeth in my face. When I got done Xena cried when I left, she was spayed and taken home. Zeen - very good dog. They are both 12 years old.

Rox - full blooded Keeshond - as numb as numb can be.
Zeen - Mutt part Dingo and Chow. Whoooo big teeth jumps and runs like a deer. SMART.

Thumbnail by
Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

oh they match each other so perfectly... what a gret pic... want to hug them!

Wanna babysit them for a weekend? I cant separate them. Want the worse as 1 does?

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

The eyes on your dingo one sort of freak me out, but I'll get over it. Our dog is part chow.

my own sport of comsos is still changing, here are the regular ones of it.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

now a bunch that look like this - puffy ruffles I call this one.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

the dingo has human eyes for sure

and that's some very nice puffy ruffles you have there Al


Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Maybe it's a man-dingo?

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Love the dogs!!!!
Nice cosmo's too Al.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Celeste, Jan & Kassia - very nice pics! I'm amazed you still have so many bloomers!!

Bebop - I just love that arctotis! I've never seen or heard of one before.....just gorgeous....I will add it to my list for sure!

Schick - love your dogs........I have a soft spot for rescued dogs last 3 dogs were wonderful rescues! That's wonderful that your Zeen accepted you! Does she do ok when people come to your house?

Al - puffy ruffles is really pretty!

It's starting to rain here now.......that means I'll lose my Wild Blue internet connection any minute, so.........manana!!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

You people in NH and ME are driving me crazy with the rain reports!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Somebody has to do it, might as well be a Mainiac!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

It's actually thundering right now - could it be??

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Wish I had that claim to fame.
Us New Hampshire people are just 'great stone faces', I guess.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

I'm holding my breath for you, Victor.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Good one Candyce! I do hope it rains for you though!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

It is actually raining - let's see how much we get.

DonnieBrook posted = Does she do ok when people come to your house?

It took 3 months before I could let her go when people came. Sometimes I still have to tell new people to ignor her, let her come to you. If a man comes, medium height, broad shoulders, beard and wears work dickies and shirt, I might have to hold her. Common sense says she was beaten by this type of man. If the electric meter man came to read the meater and I said, go get him, there would be a confrontation of some sort.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)


We rescued a Kees several years back. He was absolutely beautiful! But, he was very hard to place as he had epilepsy. We figured that there was enough love in our family, so why not adopt him? He was with us for three glorious years and was nicknamed our "Counter Surfer". We just couldn't keep him from stealing food from the kitchen counters!

Un fortunately, the epilepsy got the best of him eventually. And we miss him terribly.

Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

A major thuunderstorm blew through here yesterday afternoon. In addition to the high winds which we didn't need we got lots of rain. We lost our power at 3:00 PM and did not get it back until1:30 this AM. A quick inspection after the storm showed the annuals looking bent down from the wind and rain but hopefully they'll stand up again. The earth and trees were drinking it up.

Al, your cosmos are so delicate and lovely.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

So glad you got the rain that was needed!

Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

DonnieBrook- about the arctotis, the seeds can be a problem to find. I just poked around in the Plant Guides and found the page. I added my 2 cents about growing it. Here's the link:

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Al, I love those cosmos... and your pics too!!!

ah I miss the roses already... really nice to look at it!!!!! and the dahlias are begining to look old plants... a lot p.mildew! can't stand that!!!!! ugh!!!! but I am not going to spray since they are almost over...

I still have some rose buds to open... hopefully it will come soon!!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Last Dahlia shot before the rain knocked it over (didn't stake - mistake!).

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Forgot I planted this Aconitum.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Prairie Princess.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

The rain was very welcome. Here's an ornamental grass.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Viburnum 'Blue Muffin'. Talk about a hanger!

Thumbnail by victorgardener

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