Local Garden Clubs ... Is anyone a member?

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Anna and I have been given the go-ahead to start a Garden Club in our town. The problem is, is that we have no idea how to start one. We want to share with other like-minded people in our town, and help take care of the stuff near the library and the Town Hall, and all that. But, is there a 'formal' way to begin and form an offical Garden Club?

Thumbnail by Candyce
(Zone 4a)

You could always put an add in the paper or something like that and see who responds. Or hang small posters at places like the library or the grocery stores - they usually have boards to post such things. I am assuming your group will have to be in the same city since you will be doing projects around the city? What a great idea.

Get the people that want to volenteer their time to help make the grounds look good. If your going to do bought flowers/plants by the buildings library, etc. get in touch with a local nursery that will either donate or give major discounts.

Since your going to volenteer your time, none or very little money, should come out of your pocket. Who paid for the flowers/plants last year? Get in touch with your City Hall. Get local organizations involved, Rotary, Masons, Legion and Churches.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Great ideas, both of you. We have already been given the go head by our town, so that part is taken care of ... they will donate some funds for the plantings for the 'municipal' buildings. This is a VERY small town, so there aren't many local organizations.

What Anna and I really wanted to know was the bones of the formation of such a group. Are By-Laws required? Is licensing required? A Mission Statement?

What we'd rather do is have a group of like-minded people who would just like to meet occassionally and talk about gardening, AND spruce up the Town Hall, library, and one very neglected gazabo.

(Zone 4a)

Hmmm I wish I could help you out more with the other stuff but I am not sure......good luck with it all though. I think your idea is a great way to bond with others while beautifying your town.....fantastic!!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Dawn. We know that there is an interest in creating a garden club, so it should be lots of fun, and relatively simple to accomplish - we hope!!

Your Mission is what you want to do. Get the community involved, any organization you can to revitalize the beauty and nature of your town.

No a license is not required. One State Law that I know of is you can't use "Some" pesticides. Say a really bad fungus came and a special chemical has to be used to get rid of it, you would have to have a license to use it. By state law a nursery can't sell it to you unless you have a license, they would have to do it. This is just an incident that "could" happen but far and few and inbetween, in other words don't worry about it. This is where the nusery or maybe a professional grounds keeper could come into play "IF" need be. Of course you have to stick to leagal plants such as marigolds, impatiences etc. Not pot unless you really want to make state news.

Get your idea's and plants on paper - so you can go and get the support. Do a write up and get it to the local paper. Maybe to get voulenteers - go get a prize sponsored and get them some ink in the paper, posters or flyers.

You have to look ahead a bit and see who your going to target for help. Say no rain for weeks. Think about how your going to haul water if need be. My idea would be to have a truck on hand where men could help lug it.

I am not a professional by no means. Your local nursery would be up to date on all legal issues. Don't forget SPONSORS.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)


Your ideas are most helpful. Sounds like you should have one in your town as well.

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