where did everyone go!!!!!!!!!!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I know this is a busy time of the year for every one but how are you doing?
I'm trying to put beds down and put new beds in I just got the first of my liliys today and more are comming. So now I have to get a move on to get them all planted and the new beds in so they will be ready for spring and all the stuff I"ll get this winter SOOOOO how are you all doing ???


AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Gloria,

We've been enjoying the nice weather and getting fall chores done. I got a couple hundred tuplips planted and put Milorganite down to keep the critters out of them. We've also slowly been putting the veggie garden to bed. I only have about ten more head of cabbage to eat. :) Everything else has been pulled out.

I did stop to play in the leaves with the grandbaby. :)


Thumbnail by Loon
south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

My gardens are already in their 'fall' mode...they are looking sad. The only thing blooming are a ton of dahlias and a zillion mums. I hate to say it,, but I am almost glad to have cooler weather coming...this hot stuff is draining me!!

I do need to take some cuttings, so maybe today while it is warm out!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

loon what a darling baby I so miss my kids and grand babys when they were that young!!!!!

sarv dahlias and mums oh yum I wish I had some where to store the dahlias I tryed the shed one year what a disaster I bet there beautiful.
after I finish in the house I'm off to play in the yard!!!!!!11

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Yes we are outside enjoying the HEAT! We are going to put the pool away for the winter and I waiting till the very last second of the day! Its to cold to swim but great for sunbathing and relaxing!
I babysit the grands several days a week so I am enjoying MY time!
I hope to do as little as possible LOL
Tomorrow's another day........

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Just trying to stay cool!! Need to get 4 beds dug out to get all my new pretties in, but will do it in small increments the 'dig in' next weekend when the weather will be cooler!! Looking forward to our first fall back home!!!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

hi everyone weve been busy looking for a new dog... Since we had our ginger dog "put "down in June weve really missed not having a dog. BUt I also have been planting new daffy bulbs i got on clearance already... I was suprised they were on clearance already... Ive planted them in the falling snow before lol... Does any one have the fall blooming obedient plants? Mine are open now and very pretty. They usallly are the last flowers to blossom in the garden. The purple is so vibrant. They have only spread a little in the 4 or so years Ive had them. Hopefully they will keep on spreading:). Loon your g-daughter is getting very big, since the last photo. Nice thread thanks for starting it glevey. Its always nice to keep in touch with everyone... Ronna

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Ronna hope you find the perfect dog to come live with you we adopted B.J about 3 years ago and just love him he has us very well trained now hes a sheltie and he thinks every one in the neighbor hood are his people but he never leaves the yard

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Sounds like you got a great companion glevey!!! Thats what we had in our previous companion. We'll find our "good dog" again I'm sure of it :) We have been looking thru all the online ads and going to shelters. I kinda found a dog I really like its an English springer spaniel very pretty boy. Nicely trained also.... Ronna

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

He is a good boy but right now hes deprested his buddy Hunes was put to sleep ( he was 13 year old German Shepherd ) and B.J. dosent understand why his buddy isen't here its so sad even Hunsies mom and dad are trying to help but its not working I don't know what to do for the poor little guy

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Aw Im so sorry. Its painful for the whole family. When a family pet goes away. :(

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Brenda your grandbaby is beautiful.

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks!! We love her to pieces. She's on her way over to play. Yea!!

I have some men coming to plant rather large blue spruce. They are digging them now. I have 6 or 7 coming I think. It looks so cloudy like the sky is going to open up and pour. I sure hope it holds off till they are done. Last time I had trees delivered the men were in the middle of planting when the sky opened up and just poured.......wind, hail the whole works. They ran like the dickens for the pole barn porch and stayed there till it was over.

Now, I know how to make it rain. Just order some trees to be planted. :)


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Brenda why diden't you think of that this summer LOL

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