Weight Loss Challange Oct. 6th - 13

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Here is the new thread for the week. Several have reported weight losses which is wonderful news. I appauld each of you. I know how hard it can be to pass up favorite foods, do more exercising even when you are pushed for time, energy, motivation, etc. But it is worth it. Believe me.

Here is a trick that has helped me in the past. Find a clothing item that is the size you should wear when you have lost 10# or so. Hang it where you will see it everyday and maybe even try it on every couple days. Let that piece of clothing be your motivation to lose that 10# . Do NOT think of the total huge amount of weight you need to lose. That will almost assuredly cause you to feel overwhelmed and fail. Take small amounts at a time and do it in reasonable time frames. No more than 2# a week. More than that on a steady basis is unhealthy unless you were holding fluids and started on a diuretic, etc. And you will be more apt to gain it all back if you lose it too fast.

Right now I will be happy to lose a couple #s in the next week. I've balloned to 126# in the past week. I know it is that night snacking and those sweets I have been indulging in lately. There was rich gooey chocolate cake at the cafe' for employees too eat yesterday. I had 2 or 3 pieces. Had to live with some serious bad results but it taught me a lesson I hope.

II have a really hectic week coming up since the DG RU is here next Sat. & I have so much to get done. Thankfully I don't have many days to go anywhere. No PG as I have to be in court for depositions on that accident back in '04 on Wednesday at 10;30 in the morning. So if I don't talk to eveyone, I apologize. I think of each of you and lift you to GOD in prayer sometime during the day tho.

Pudgymudpies, I wonder if the Pudgy part of you name is holding you back because that is your mental image of yourself. We do things like that to ourselves, you know. Very self defeating. Been there, done that, don't want the t-shirt to remind me of it.

GOD bless and keep each of you. I MUST get yardening work done.

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