Snow peas

St. John's NL, Canada

Five years ago when I lived in Ontario, I purchased a packet of Dwarf Oregon Sugar Pod peas ( can't remember the seedsman). In Ontario, they cropped well, at about 4 ft in height, and I saved the seed. Four years ago I moved to the eastermost spot in North America (St. John's, Newfoundland) and planted the seed again, in the typical short-season, windy, salty, acid soil conditions which prevail here. Bingo! They grew to seven feet. This year (2007) they hit ten feet, and have been producing two or three cupfuls per day for two months, from a 4 ft x 3 ft bed, despite being blown over by gales so that the tops are now touching the ground. Has anyone else had this experience?

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

First ~ welcome to our neighborhood, grannyhat!!

Second ... nope. I've never had that experience, but would sure love to!! Have you taken any photos of those 'giants'??

Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

We had a similar, once in a lifetime snow pea experience this summer. We grew Goliath from Jung Seeds. The peas began producing heavily in early July and kept going until mid-September. The vines were well over ten feet. Goliath is described as a very tall grower but I never saw anything like this! They are usually all done by early August. This has been a good summer for everything, though.

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Sounds like the "lost" their dwarf gene along the way!

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