Rose bush

Quincy, MA

I am told now is the time to move my rose bush. Do I cut it back now or just move it as is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Yes it is a good time to move any shrub. I would not cut it back now if you can avoid it. Tie up any long canes to make it more manageable. Energy for getting through the winter is stored in the canes already and you don't want to induce new growth now that could die back easily over winter. Get as large a root ball as possible and deep water well.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I would give exactly the same advice as ngam. mulch your rose bush well after the ground freezes. until then, keep it well watered.

Quincy, MA

thanks a bunch. This will be Sundays project.

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