Hosta hospitality

Olympia, WA

I just have to share the nice bit of business that happened here ........... on our local Freecycle, a young woman wrote that she had 3 good sized hostas and hoped that someone wanted them. Ooooooooooo la la .........and I immediately begged to be considered for adoption of same. When I arrived yesterday, there were actually 4 good sized hostas - as well as a bag of daylilies. What a nice day!!!!!!!! I am not sure what variety they are, but that doesn't matter (to me). I will get that figured out next spring.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

hey wannadanc good for you. My parents just recently moved from there house, I had my hand up for some of the plants in there yard..... So needless to say my hosta population grew also. Its is so nice to get some free plants once in a while. I also dug up a Rose of Sharon bush. My most exciting free plant. I got some Huskers Reds also. I had so many "free" plants that I shared some with my neighbor... :) She was very happy. I got some hostas that are very large leaved and very "ripply" do you know what they are called???? I really like them a whole lot. I imagion that they cost quit a bit. Well congrats on you plant fortune... Ronna

Madison, WI

I love freecycle to share plants. Plants will be less stressed by travel and possible zone change and also your neighbourhood will get prettier :) It's so nice to recieve thank you notes too.

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