pulmonarias: advice

Boston, MA

will pulmonarias do well in sites where hostas thrive? ( gadener here in Worcester MA area)

Concord, NH

Yes, though at least here, they will also tolerate a bit more sun than hostas. They are one of my favorite plants, with lovely, though subtle, spring flowers and a range of sizes and leaf patterns (spotted, silvered almost all over, and many other varieties.) They do some self-seeding, but it hasn't been enough to be a problem, just gives me a few more each year.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Mine do very in mostly shade areas. Too much sun will dry them out. They're a great genus. Mine (longifolia species) have a beautiful blue flower that lasts quite some time.

Boston, MA

thanks gardeners - got some potted ones and planted them - indeed in a spot with a bit more sun than the bulk of my hostas - all sounds good and i hope they make it - if not - will try again in spring because they are beautiful

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