blossoming the last few weeks, but not fruiting (yet)

Silver Springs, NV(Zone 6b)

Tons of blossoms on tomatillos and Italian pole beans the last month or so, but no fruit yet, despite insects buzzing about them. Maybe I'm just too impatient--had the same reaction to the tomatoes, pumpkin, and late-planted Earli-Dew melons and P de N squash but they've finally started bearing fruit.

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

I had a simular experience w/my tomatillos Tashak, I was told to neglect my tomatillos . Not to fertilize them so much next time. To water and then not to water them a period. I dont know about your tomatoes though. Are your tomatoes getting enough daylight? full sun. This may be part the reason. Temps may be reason for the Pumpkins, and melons, may have been too hot for them. Our desert temps , are sometimes too hot. For some veggies.

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