Two of my favorites are blooming

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

Thunbergia mysorensis. Blooms all summer.

Thumbnail by popper1
Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

Oxera pulchella. A small taste of things to come, is covered in blooms in the winter.

Thumbnail by popper1
Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

what does the Thunbergia need to bloom?? This is my 2nd year. It is big and full but still no blooms??

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Donna, Logees lists their Thunbergia vines as being primarily winter bloomers.
The blue grandiflora and mysorensis. Maybe yours is just getting ready to bloom.
Will be interesting to see if popper gets winter blooms since it's been blooming all summer.


Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

My vine did not bloom until it had been in the ground for about a year and was huge. I think size is importance. Mine grows on a gazebo, went up and covered a 6' x 4' wall and about 4' across the roof. It did not start to bloom until it was quite warm outside. Does not like to dry out and needs some protection if it is very hot.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Popper, forgot to tell you both vines are gorgeous.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks! I love the flowering vines. Have many all over the yard. Took these two the other day & thouht I'd share.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Thank you Sounds like I am treating as I should. Only difference is mine is in a big pot with a trellis

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

I would guess it isn't large enough

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Donna, you can feed it some. a higher middle # like 15-30-15, not much
maybe a tsp per gallon of water. Are your nights cooling down some?
That should trigger buds or the shortening day length. If it starts setting buds
outside, I wouldn't move it until the buds start getting big and plump, showing color,
then you can take it inside. If it gets too cool, below 50? at night, you'll
probably need to take it in. Give it a nice sunny spot. All just speculation on my part.
I would feed it because a plant in a pot uses up all the nutrients faster than
a plant growing in the ground I would think.


South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi popper : )
That Oxera pulchella...does it get huge? I was looking for something with white blooms. It sure is pretty.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Thanks Patootie. Yes this week we are but only down to 65 and it is heaven in the early morning, back up to 89 in the day

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Popper...shame on you for showing that beautiful Oxera! lol!
I never knew it existed and now I have to have one too.
It is so beautiful!
That Thunbergia is very striking, I have several, but not that one either.
I love to find out about the more unusual vines. Thanks!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

Mine is about 15', not as agressive as some tropical vines, the jade vines and Thunbergia. A benefit however is that it will bloom in a 3-5 gallon pot.

I do not agree with what patootie says that Logee's is saying. My experience is that the T mysorensis blooms begin in the spring and will taper off in the fall. It is VERY sensitive to the cold too.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

I agree shellabella, when I saw it I had to have it. I had never seen it either. It wasnt cheap but I'm glad I got it! I have many other vines, will post as they begin to bloom. I posted a couple of my more unusual trees under Tropics.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Is yours like this?

Thumbnail by robcorreia
Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)


San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Oh, gosh, I'm depressed! : ) This picture was taken in Brazil and it's something I eagerly dream of! My TM is in a pot and is barely - barely! 4 inches tall... How long did it take you to achieve something like on the picture? I'm afraid the CA weather is not humid enough...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I was just getting ready to say oh great another winter bloomer...but then I recall that it should bloom repeatedly - should being the key word as I am waiting to see if mine blooms. I have a couple and one of them might not be in enough sun. I have so many vines that I'm maxed out.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

I am the same way, love vines. How large is your T mysorensis? How much sun?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, the largest one was only planted last fall - matter of fact I think they both the winter it gets full sun, but under an oak tree now. It's kind of spread out, so not sure how large it is. it has topped a 30Foot coconut ladder last fall, but died back some and is working it's way back up. The other is still working on climbing and not even to the top of the 10 foot fence..about 60 percent or more full sun during summer.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

When mine 1st started blooming it started in the summer. They seem like they have to be quite large before they start, I think yours sounds big enough. I would think that once it recovers fully this summer it will start for you.

What other vines do you have? What are your favorite?

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

I did come across pics of T mysorensis bloom in California. I think it was in Santa Barbara. The plant does grow fast down here in the summer; it like heat, sun & water,

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Well the favorites change, I'm sure you know...right now it's the Beaumontia Grandiflora and the Strophanthus....
since you asked...this is my current vine inventory around the garden..
The passions and most of the morning glories are kept in pots though
Aristolochia 3 types trilobata, leuconeura , gigantea
Bauhinia vine
Beaumontia Grandiflora - blossoming nicely right now
Beaumontia Murtonii
Bignonia capreolata Crossvine - just finishing up
Black eyed Susan vine
Canary Vine
Candy corn vine Manettia luteorubra
Chalice Solandra maxima Chalice Vine
Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Bleeding Heart Vine
Coral Vine Antigonon leptopus
Cork Screw Vigna caracalla
Morning Glories- several
Merremia tuberosa...(wood rose)
Pandora Vine Pandorea jasminoides
Passiflora Citrina
Passion Vine- Red
Queens Wreath Petrea volubilis
Rangoon Creeper Quisqualis indica
Rubber Vine Cryptostegia Grandiflora
Snail Vine
Solanum Wendlandi and several types
Strophanthus preussii - Poison Arrow Vine
Stephanotis floribunda
Strongylodon macrobotrys -jade vines - red Mucuna sp/ Gold
Thungbergia Battescombei
Thunbergia mysorensis

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

Nice collection you have

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I don't know what I'm doing wrong....i got mine probably a month ago and it has barely moved...the leaves look kinda scorched so I took it out of full sun and put it in light shade...should I bring it back to full sun? (it's in a pot for now)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)


Yes - give it part sun, part shade- feed weekly with 20-20-20, or as I do...I have a 5 gallon bucket that has a siphon that attaches to the hose, and feed daily with a very weak fish emulshion.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

This is the siphon attached to the hose, and into the bucket of whatever fertilizer you want. The plants do MUCH better when given a very weak solution but on a regular watering basis.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

How is fish emulsion sold? I need to get some.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

It is sold in a bottle in most nurseries...home depot, Lowes

Here is what I use..but any of them do.

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

rj wow i have never seen such a thing. forgive my ignorance but does the siphon just suck up the fertilizer from the hose pressure as you spray. if so how fast does that bucket empty. curious. i might have to get one of those things

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That's what I said when I got's so simple, I wonder why they are not out and in your face everywhere!!!
Yes it just siphons out with the pressure on the hose, 1 to 14 is the ratio.
It's awsome, and can't believe I went so long with out one. it was given to me by a friend..and I've never seen them before that, but some of the experienced gardeners seem to be familiar with them...

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)


South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Ok, now my curiousity is up. : ) Wonder what they are called, and where I could find one. That's so neat, rjuddharrison.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm going to try and find out...My friend said the companies name is on it so I will check it out tomorrow.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks : )

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

i've heard of others that live by them, but have never been able to find them. (and i've looked everywhere and can't find the thread where someone had a link to one...i hate that! LOL)

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

found it!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Good job, thanks.

P.S. I like the name Ashley. : ) I named my daughter, that. : ) Elizabeth Ashley

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

That's a beautiful name.

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