SW Oregon bird report.......

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

I used to sit out front to watch the birds, but once it cooled down some, I moved to the back to watch, between sessions of clearing briars and brush.

Oh, my! It's a bird watchers heaven back there! Besides the fruit trees, there's oak, maple, cedar, fir, pine, spruce, madrona, manzanita and a number of other trees and shrubs. It was there I first saw the Orange-crowned Warbler recently. A couple days ago I saw my first Red-breasted Sapsucker. Just a bit ago I saw a pair of Black-throated Gray Warblers! Even got a shot of one of them, but new PC is AGAIN in the shop for repairs, so I can't view my photos except on the camera.

After seeing the Golden Eagle last year, I am always on the lookout for raptures in the treetops. This morning there was not one, but two hawks perched nearby. One was definately a Redtail, while I believe the other was a Red-shouldered.

I read the thread the other day about Ravens chasing Eagles, and witnessed that myself the next day! So awesome a thing to see.

At least 9 V's of ducks/geese were heading south this morning when I first went out, and just a bit later it looked as though the same birds were going north. Confused??

Flickers have returned, as have the White Crown, Golden Crown, and several other sparrows. The Bandtail Pigeons, to my amazement, are still here. Most of the American and Lesser Goldfinches are gone, but a few remain. The Mourning Doves are gone. They used to be here all year, so don't know what's up with them.

Think I'll go back out now, and see if there's some more new birds to be seen!

Marlton, NJ

Wow; what a great area you live in tiger!

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