Happy Birthday, GSkinner

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday, GSkinner, Hope your day is A Wondrous and Joyful One!!!!


Happy Birthday Gina!

Whew hew! It was a great day. Thank you! I got the best birthday present, from my husband, that all of you can soooo appreciate. I got a HUGE nepenthes!!!! I'll try and post pictures tomorrow if I can find my camera cord. The pitchers have got to be 10 inches long. I can't wait to show ya'll. I'm gonna have to feed this sucker some mice. 8-0

Oh oh oh, no mice you silly girl you! Whatdidjagit? Can't wait to hear! Lucky you!

LOL, just joking about the mice. I think it may be a "Miranda". If I can ever locate my camera cord I'll post a picture. Everything's all out of place. Long story short, we sold the house, things happened with buying, now we're in a 33ft RV while building a new house. We're estimated to be in the RV between 4 and 6 months. We have a family of 6 piled in this lil ol thing. US, two kids and two dogs. 8-)

Long story short, we sold the house, things happened with buying, now we're in a 33ft RV while building a new house. We're estimated to be in the RV between 4 and 6 months.
You poor baby. We had something similar happen before we moved into the house we are in. I feel for you more than you may know.

Oh, it's really not to bad.
Finally found my camera cord today.

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Here's the whole plant. I've got it under a tent to give it some shade. My husband had to go back and buy one for my parents to. They fell in love with mine. It's a sad setup but I'm making due the best I can. That's cotton in the background. We're building right in the field, lol.

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And here's my parents plant I'll be taking them tomorrow.

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Oh, and look at all the love bugs up in the tent. It's getting plenty of food right now.

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You made my night seeing your face all lit up with your honker pitchers! What a riot!

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