Whats everyone sowing just now

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

I just wonder what seeds are best at this time of year. I am very pleased that I have been able to save and grow some wallflower seeds. I know that they are tough as old boots but it is great to grow your own plants. What are you sowing just now?

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i just sowed some poppy and ersholzia (sp.?) hoping for some colour before the frosts. i've been sowing a lot indoors ready for next year, silver sage, chrysanthemums, foxgloves and alpine asters are coming up atm, i've got a lot more to sow, i find the plant 'cells' you can buy are great to start seeds in, you can do loads at once! i'm hoping to save some seeds, i'm leaving a lot of things i would normally deadhead so they can set seed.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

hardy geraniums from pratense seed collected in my own garden.

and Epiphyllum seed


Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Poppy's,shasta daisys " Exhibition" & potentilla "Monarchs Velvet". I sow seed collected from my own garden but owe a lot to "amateur gardening" delivering free seed at just the right time for sowing.
Ros :)

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

Hi Ros, I get AG too and love the free seeds, I grew Monarch's Velvet last year and it is flowering now and is stunning the deep colour is just lovely. I have also got the shasta daisys " Exhibition germinated and should soon prick these out.

cheers Carol

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

ros and carol - i love this magazine too, my oriental poppies are doing well, no chance of flowers this year, but..you never know! i've still got loads i havn't sown! got some herbs (basil) for over the winter on the windowsill, and some biennials for next year. my monarch's velvet died when i was away for a week, completely forgot about it!

Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Carol - I've got lots of "Exhibition" germinated & ready to go. Re Monarchs Velvet. How tall/big are they? ..& do they totally disappear in winter? Grew the free Cerinthe seeds & they were stunning......best in partial shade tho'

Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Lilith - hang on to your poppy seeds - they'll be fine sown in spring. I sow all of mine in seed trays then plant in the ground in little clumps when big enough. Hope you're basil grows well. This year I've had one plant that has lasted all year. Maxicrop sea weed extract added to the weekly fertiliser has paid off. If it begins to flower i just cut it all down to a couple of inches, then ittakes off again AND NEVER water it at night.

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

I've got the Exhibition seedlings pricked out now, the problem is keeping them moist. Do you know I can't remember if the Monarchs Velvet stays all winter. I think that it may. Later I will collect some seed, the colour of the flowers is stunning and I love to see the flower heads bobbing about in the wind. Carol

Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Re Monarchs Velvet.....How tall does it get Carol & does it need staking? I have about a dozen small plants & want to make sure i put them in the right place .......first time! :)

This message was edited Sunday, Aug 26th 4:22 AM

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

The flowers are proud of the plants so the plants are about 6 inches the flowers are about 12-18inches. I have mine at the front of a flower bed.
Good Luck

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