Can you help me identify this cultivar?

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I know it is Arabis also known as Rock Cress. I checked the plant files but the only white one listed is a single blossom and mine is double. I would appreciate any help. I would like to know what the seeds look like so I could harvest some next year. Thanks

Thumbnail by mittsy
Whitehall, PA(Zone 6a)

I thought I'd be able to help.. I believe I've seen it and admired it somewhere before, but I've been through all my plant books and I don't see any Arabis that resemble it. Sorry.

It sure is BEAUTIFUL though! Fragrant too?

Whitehall, PA(Zone 6a)

Oh.. btw, here's what the seeds look like:

Clinton, CT(Zone 6b)

Look like this?'Neuschnee'&PHPSESSID=31c8aa5eadf6a3e748bd9db46ccb1f74

Google image search on "Arabis procurrens" brings up quite a few similiar to yours. There is a variegated almost identical.

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