I suffered withdrawal ...

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

How did you cope when DG went down in the early morning hours? Me, I went shopping! What did we buy? More plants!!!

Here's what the Dave said about the outage ...
"At around 4:15am Central time (9:15am UTC) our internal switch went offline. This is the switch that allows all the DG servers to communicate with each other. Since they weren't able to communicate with each other, the site went offline.

This morning at around 8:00am Central time (1pm UTC) I switched networks so the servers could communicate again, and the sites came back up.

I'll need to replace the internal switch, but until then the sites will be just fine using the external network for communications. Thankfully this event happened late at night and most visitors were not affected.


Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I did wonder why there was only one new watched thread when I got up - I think I went sleeping.

North Augusta, ON

I had a panic attack!!!
New puppy had me up at 5:30 am....I made the coffee, took her out and then settled in front of the puter for a morning with my friends at Dave's......ackkkk......no Dave's.........ended up doing an online jigsaw puzzle....while the new puppy slept on my lap....

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

I saw your post on the DG Forum, threegardeners. I'm glad there were others, like me, who just didn't know what to do!!!

Usually, I am on DG if I get up that early because it's the only uninterrupted time I have to work on our Blog or the Journal.

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