New to clematis

Davenport, IA

I am new to clematis. I bought one at Lowes last year. It was dormant at the time. Last year it didn't do well. Of course that was it's first year. This year, to my surprise it had flowers. It flowered twice this summer. I planted a silver lace vine next to it because I didn't think it was going to come back. The clematis has lavender flowers with a yellow center. I can't find the box it came in. I think I threw it out when I thought it was dead. Is this the kind that gets cut back or not? I don't even know what to do with the silver lace vine. It's mostly gathered at the top of my arbor. If I knew all this was going to happen I would've put up a better arbor. I want to cut it all back in the spring, get a better arbor and start things all over. The silver lace vine grows fast. I need to find out about the siler lace vine as well. Can anyone direct me to info on that? Thanks, Tammy

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

The silver lace vine will probably take over your clematis next year. They are rampant growers. You might want to move either one or the other vines. Clematis and most other perennials sleep the first year, creep the second year and then the third year they leap, so next year will be the year for your clematis to leap, especially if you leave it where it is. You said it was purple with a yellow center. Do you mean like the one below? If so, it's a Jackmanii, the most common clematis, and you would prune it in the early spring, probably March in Iowa. Prune it to about 18", just above two good buds. You'll see the buds on the stems, even though it all looks dead as you may remember. Do you have a photo of the vine?

Thumbnail by revclaus
(Zone 4a)

I also understand that it is good to cut it down regardless for the first 2-3 years in the spring so it can develop a good root system. Even if you don't find out what kind of Clematis it is right away at least you will know it is fine to cut it back next spring. Good luck.

Davenport, IA

Thanks to both of you for your help. Mine isn't like yours revclaus. It isn't as pretty as yours either. It's more of a light purple. I think I'll have to cut them both back, because they are growing together. They are so close in the ground. Thanks again, Tammy

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