Why won't you answer me?!?!?!??

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

but it does give me a bad feeling about "messenger"!!!
Or at least the messenger ~ LOL

Plano, TX

oh i already feel better--thanks y'all!

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

I note that the majority of the people who have posted in here I encounter again and again posting in other forums and threads. Those who like to post will post, those who like to lurk will lurk, and I think there's a shift in personality or experience from lurker to poster that causes one to become another, or vice versa. :)

The difficulty in communicating through these forums is the difficulty faced in all text-based communications. We can easily convey content just by typing out a bunch of words, it's another thing entirely to convey intent, when the cues we use to read intent (facial expressions, tone of voice, body language) are completely missing from the conversation. I use emoticons wherever possible to try to convey intent, but still sometimes even with smileys, if you're like me we can still be left scratching our heads. :)

After a few years of licking wounds caused by unintended or perceived slights, I have learned to not read intent into content, and I do a bit better in regards to keeping my feelings from getting hurt. I must say though we're good folks in here at DG. I am always impressed at the genuine lack of animosity I find from most posters in here, especially compared to some of the other places I hang out. I'd have a hard time reading most posts in here as negative unless someone went out of their way with name calling and nasty emoticons.

I have felt before that I have killed conversations by getting too enthusiastic, or by giving TMI. I think most of us probably second guess ourselves every once in a while. The thing is, we're all different people, leading different lives, with different interests and different demands on our time that from time to time call us away from here, meaning we sometimes start threads and then forget we started them, we see an unanswered question that we never get back to, or we ask a question that most people seem to overlook. It happens.

I suggest: thicken your skin, don't give up, continue to participate, and unless someone is pointedly rude, try not to take it personally. If someone is intentionally rude, nasty, or downright mean, any more I just try to give them as little attention (or space in my mind) as possible. I move along. Thankfully this is a big Internet and a big DG. We don't have to butt heads in here if we really don't want to. :)

Peace everyone,


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

-Joe what the heck is TMI? ... showing my ignorance here pod

Seward, AK

Don't give him too much information on that answer, you hear me?

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

LOL !!!

Plano, TX

well maybe i am not expressing myself very well--i was not crushed or blue about it but since someone else started the thread i just added my experience--also i did say that i had all good experiences except for that one--believe me i have no intention of "butting heads" and i do not think i am thin skinned--i think you have read too much into my short addition to the thread or i expressed myself much stronger than i ever intended to--in either case i am sorry for the mixed communication

Seward, AK

Joe, I was being mean. It means "too much information" sorry for the joke...
Plano, I went back to "threads that you started" and from Alaska, I could only comment on one.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Plano, I don't think Joe was speaking specifically to YOU, but rather addressing the content of the thread in general. It just so happened to have come after your post. I may be wrong about that, but that's the way I read his post.


Plano, TX

the only thread that i ever had a problem with was the co op on messenger--(which i did not start) -and i found what i needed to know --any thread i started i had a lot of wonderful people help me with and believe me i needed a lot of help since i was so new and so ambitious this summer--but this is getting more complicated than i ever planned--i will be more careful how i post from now on

Plano, TX

oh--unique treasures--i think you might be right!!! i was getting into the "it's all about me" thinking!!!! ok--i'm going to bed--good night

Seward, AK

Oh, come on Plano, I don't even know what "the co op on messenger" means or even where to find it on which forum, even. But, I'm curious, like most posters here are. Can you tell us where it is? Or where we can look? We don't want to pressure you, you sound like fun, we just want to know, just like you did.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

A co op is when one member gets a bulk price or a good discount price on an item(s) from a supplier and other members benefit from the discounted price. The person who starts the co op does it as a courtesy for other members and (from my understanding, anyway) doesn't profit personally from it.

It's a lot of work for the person managing the co op, but many people do it and seem to enjoy it. I've participated in them before and had good results.

The co ops can be for just about anything gardening related: Seeds, bulbs, actual plants, etc. ("messenger"...a supplement used by many for rose growing...and is quite popular...I've never used it, so I can't cooment on it)

There is a forum for co ops... it's listed over on the bottom right section of the home page. The one for messenger is probably in there, but most likely overwith by now.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

oops...my mistake....click on "Communities" on the home page, then go to "discussion forums" and look where it says Daves Garden Community...it's the third one down...

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

OK. Messenger is a Harpin Protein(that has been around for a long time) designed to 'make' the plant take in more nutrients and, thus, enhance growth. It is made my EdenBio in Redmond, WA. There aren't alot of negatives, on my part, about it...just that you have to make sure that your plant is in tip top shape, with tip top soil etc. I sprayed my greenhouse with it and due to the Coir I was using, caused my plants to suck up LOTS of sodium...started losing plants right/left/center.

I use it in a form called Mighty Plant...18-18-18 made by the same company...I spray it on the garden and everyone seems quite happy.

If you go to their website you can learn a lot more than what I know.....


Seward, AK

Thanks Jasper, I've been wondering for a couple of weeks. I'm so glad to have those 5 or 6 things explained that I had no idea about. I do know that what I don't know is increasing rapidly, which means I know more, but I also know there is more I don't know. That was so concise and informative, I have to thank you again.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

No problem, Carol.
There is a ton of stuff I know nothing about when it comes to this site and computer things in general.

When I first joined DG, all these people kept referring to "RoundUp"(s) and I thought they meant the weed killer !

Just wait until you start reading the daylily forum! That forum has more abbreviated words for things pertaining to daylilies than I've ever seen.

In the future, DO NOT feel intimidated to ask questions. I do it all the time. People here are very helpful and willing to explain.

Seward, AK

Thanks Jasp

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

what the heck is TMI?

Seward, AK

Too much information... ... I made a joke just after it was asked before... sorry

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

TMI=too much information :)

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks ~ and you know, that is how something can get overlooked. Not ignored although someone may feel that way. I won't take it personally! 8 )

Seward, AK

I'm forgiven?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL Yes ma'am!

Oooops! That was an assumption. Your are a ma'am?

This message was edited Dec 11, 2007 7:01 AM

Seward, AK

Yep, Ma'am I am, Carol Eads from Seward, Alaska at your service, sir? ma'am?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Carol, WOW, I didn't know Messenger causes plants to suck up sodium. That explains why I have had such spotty success with it; my ground soil is very salty and my potting mix isn't.
You gotta love DG, not a day goes by that I don't learn something......

Thanks Voss for starting this thread, it has taken on a life of it's own.

Edited to add the Carol I was responding to was Aloha Hoya. There are many Carols here LOL

This message was edited Dec 11, 2007 7:44 AM

Seward, AK

I've noticed every dawn, nickky and mary are named Carol these days, too hmm must investgate..Carol from Alaska

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, after I posted Ma'am I got worried as there are some male Carols too. Sorry... Ma'am here too... 8 )

Ardesia ~ question on your spotty successes. The potting soil did well? Just a guess?

Bucyrus, OH(Zone 6a)

Planolinda, nothing was directed at you. I was replying to comments much higher in the thread. :) See how we can misinterpret things? Oh, and TMI means Too Much Information. :)



Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Messenger encourages the plant to take in more of EVERYTHING so if you have an unbalanced potting medium, or fertilizer program... Ooooops. It is like the hormones they give poultry and cattle to get them to grow faster....

Carols....hahaha. NEVER met another Carol until I 'matured' and now at 67 I meet them all the time!!!! I was born Hawaii and I meet alot of Carols here, round about my age!!!


Seward, AK

Must be the Carol Lombard or Carol Linley or that song.. OH Carol! lol


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh, I remember Oh Carol. Showing my age here again........

Yep, I noticed a better result from Messenger with the potting mix.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Yes...but does anyone know who Mr. Sedaka was singing to/about in that song?
It's too late baby, (that's a clue...)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Carole King?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Messenger and other growth enhancing products are wonderful....but if plants are grown well and you are happy with them...probably not necessary. Getting bigger fatter earlier corn or tomatoes might have an advange...but Heliconias? LOL


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I hear 'ya. LOL

BTW, your cordylines love it here.

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Just my two cents here. It was my Messenger Co-op where Plano's question went unanswered. I saw it but thought someone else might answer it and then it got buried by subsequent posts by others and I forgot to check and see if it was answered. So, my bad and I did apologize to her for the oversight. However, unless a post is the only one in a thread, it WILL get buried if you ask a question in a thread where there is a lot going on,. You have to repost it in order that someone who might know the answer will see it because not everyone will start reading at the post they left off at.. You could also Dmail the person that started the thread and ask them your question.

I just want to say also, that there is a search function in the Dave's Garden forums that I have found very helpful when I have a question.
I too didn't know what Messenger was so I searched on the term and found previous forums where people gave the Eden Bio web page link and I was able to read what exactly it is and decide whether I wanted to try it or not, also based on what I read and saw in the threads concerning Messenger. Those threads helped me make the decision to volunteer to run the co-op too, because I saw that the Eden Bio folks were easy to deal with in regards to giving a good discount and working with us on quantities.

So, bottom line is that you have to give people the benefit of the doubt. There are a lot of reasons why your question may not be answered but if there's one thing I am sure of, it's that the DG people are very friendly and aren't deliberately ignoring you, LOL!

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh yes, and just wanted to add that I never saw this thread until a link was posted on the Carolina forum. I have never been on this forum before, so maybe the questions go unanswered because people see it once, think that someone more experienced is going to answer and then they never go back to that forum. So you can have 20 views but no answers as everyone is thinking someone else will reply.

And I'm sure that I am probably repeating the same thing someone else may have brought up. I read quickly through the posts but can't remember each one so sorry if I am being redundant.

Plano, TX

thanks dragonfly--you are right on all accounts --while i was frustrated, there were several very logical reasons i did not get an answer -- the only unlogical one is that anyone would want to ignore me---to be honest i think i got spoiled because i always got such a good response from DG that i came to expect it--thanks for your kind words and forget this whole thing please

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Dragon linked me up to this on another thread. I have felt that way myself. I have asked some people for a response about Land in Texas and no one answered though many read it, so I said I heard Texas people were the friendliest, salt of the earth, I guess I was mistaken and I got so many responses then. It was funny.

I posted a quick need for a hotel in Arizona near the Nascar Track once and nobody commented, I just figured no one knew off hand and let that one go.

It is funny how that goes though. Honestly there is just so much time to read and post, sometimes we just don't have time. If you keep saying SOS or Please answer, someone is sure to answer. Dawn

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