Why won't you answer me?!?!?!??

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Weenel ~ now I feel humbled as I always want to grumble. I hate cold and dreary but today was in the mid 80s ~ a fall day to dream of...

You did make a point tho. Too often the person that began the thread does not come back with a response and you wonder if they read it, or if they are still a member or if they are still alive. I notice that often on the ID forum and wonder if they are new to the site.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

Oh I agree, but life is too short to grumble, but a little one now and again can make all the difference to a cold wet dull day, I feel better already though, Happy gardening to you and enjoy your nice Autumn weather. best wishes. WeeNel.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

OTOH ~ if I drop out of sight, you will know the PC crashed ~ LOL

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Psssst, let's not jump to any conclusions here. The person who started this thread is currently traveling and has very limited use of a computer right now.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

Thanks for the explanation, makes sense, my trouble is that I have the computer, always at hand, just not always enough time to read and reply, but hey, that's gardening for you, best wishes. WeeNel.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

You're welcome. It sorts of makes her original point however when people do not respond, the poster gets to feeling left out in the cold.

somewhere, PA

Interesting thread. I tend to open no-one-has-answered-yet threads just to see
if I can answer them. I've not had any personally but it does seem rude somehow
to leave one with no replies.

And I definitely think there are some forums more open & comfortable than
others. I've tried joining in a few of the general discussion type threads and some
fit better than others. Some had a few people that seemed to want to dominate
the conversation and said things to me that felt snippy or they seemed to overlook
every post I made. So I just dropped out of those. I just wasn't meant for that group.
For the forums that are a bit more rough & tumble than I care for, I am extremely
careful in my phrasing and post a lot less than the ones that are more comfortable
to me.

It does seem like we have more of these "conversational" threads than we did a
few years ago, doesn't it?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Tammy ~ I agree with you on the unanswered threads and the temperature of the different forums

I am curious if you think conversational is better? or worse?

somewhere, PA

I have found one I enjoy very much. Another I didn't enjoy. I like the opportunity
to get to know folks and since the thread is designed for chatter its very

I tend to enjoy the conversation around a question or topic much more than "just the
facts ma'am" type threads.

How about you?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Absolutely! I am always fascinated to see the twists and turns a thread takes. And amazed at the large amount of information that can be garnered from a thread that one thought was going nowhere...

But then I guess I am in the Welcome Wagon sector. I try to acknowledge an unanswered question and will point the way thru the "garden maze" if needed. Others helped me at first and I appreciated it. Also remember how I felt. 8 )

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I love the chatter!!! If you want to read a funny thread that took off in weird directions, read the thread "composter" by Michaeljo.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

This thread has been a great discussion to read. I'm a little late arriving to this one but I'd like to add that sometimes I've wanted to reply to a thread after I've looked up some information and then couldn't find it again! This usually happens to me on forums that are especially active with new threads, or where the title of the thread differs quite a bit from the first post and I've forgotten the actual thread title.
I was away from the computer for a week near the time of the DG site reorg (combining the Garden and Home tab forums into one mega list) and still to this day have not found all the conversations I wanted to continue.

Nell, your point about regional language variations is spot on!
I've found the DG discussions very educational, often inspiring and certainly much fun. There are a couple of forums that I like to read though, but rarely post to anymore because of the perplexing responses I have received. On several occassions I have sent what was intended to be a supportive post and received an angry response or personal attack that mystifies me. I try to use emoticons (those smiley faces etc) and such to help convey what I am saying in the absence of voice tone. The nasty knee-jerk reactions from the "my way or the highway" crowd puts a damper on the DG experience. Thankfully there are lots of threads from which to choose and the majority of DG posters are absolutely fabulous!

Perhaps one day Henry Higgins will explain the rest of the English dialects.

Think I'll go look for unanswered threads and make sure no ones being ignored now.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

I sometimes think people forget that different ways of saying things ain't a crime, I know here in UK we all speak English, but there are also regional differences within UK, like I live in Scotland so people from say London, England find it very difficult to understand what we are saying, Scottish people are inclined to speak very fast, so you find yourself speaking much slower to be understood, but you really cant do that on a computer, they say Mummy, we Mammy or Maw, it all means the same but it is different way of addressing your mother, even take our spelling, your side of the pond and ours, speak English, but we have different ways of spelling some words, I have been to many states in USA and Canada, and boy, did I have a red face almost every day, and that was just shopping, but the fun is learning about the different ways and customs, not what some people think, we are just trying to be smart or rude, these people forget that there is a big wide world out there beyond their garden gate and everyone is just trying to be either helpful or friendly, but like so many folks have already said, there are more really nice friendly people visit the forums that the blinkered ones, in the end, we are all trying to encourage each other in the gardening world no matter how cleaver or new we are to that past time. Happy gardening and long may it continue. WeeNel.

A pinch and a punch for the first of the month everyone *giggling* an Aussie custom for the first day of the month ... it is the 1st day of Dec here, who can believe the time has gone so fast ...I think this has been a very enjoyable thread ...thanks v and everyone ...I feel we all know each other a whole lot better! Guys and Gals join in! don't be shy ...
chrissy :)

Seward, AK

And to think I use "you guys" all the time in speech and in posting! How embarassed am I now? I had no idea what a faux pas I was making! Why didn't anyone tell me? Podster? Psych? How could you let me go on?

Crikey I say guys for both sexes too if I don't know the sexes but here I know there are both! *giggling*
what about us? we call everyone mate and boy do some people get confused over that one! relax mate :)

Seward, AK

Ok, crissy, like weenel, I guess we're all different, but to have someone "cringe" at a common phrase makes me want to crawl into a hole and hide. My cheeks are still red with embarassment.

Please no Cringing allowed here! come out of that hole at once ...
chrissy :)

Seward, AK

Yes Ma'am

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Another misconception ~ LOL

I said I cringed at using the term guys, the reason being I have seen someone jump on another about it in a thread. I cringe everytime I start to use it. Afraid I will be bombarded with spades, hoes and rakes. Yep ~ intimidated by gardeners here. 8 /

Seward, AK

Pod, was looking at your journal of succlulents. I crave them. I live in Alaska, I'm crazy. I still want them. I torture them into miniature nondraining containers for years. Every now and then one flowers in it's inch high container and it's all worth it. I've killed more stapelias and Hawarthias than Chrissy has killed stink bugs. Tillandsias I've had success with. I'll get weezingreens to snap some pics of my "Guantanamo for plants of the North" I squeeze their little feeties 'til they burst upwards trying to escape. 5 hours of daylight 'til after xmas, what a dark cramped existance. I''m cruel beyond belief. The pics weez displays to the court will not bode well for me.
Guiltily yours, Carol

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I try to log onto DG everyday & I just now noticed this thread, but I've been busy researching scholarships & colleges for my d-d whose soon to graduate from HS. Anyway, she's all set for college now, so I'm back! I believe that the pics & catchy subject lines help increase the views. I don't have a digital camera, but my pic-less threads were viewed & did receive some wonderful replies--a kind thanks to all. Then, I hooked up the scanner & started adding pics & noticed that the views increased dramatically. Anyway, I feel slighted because I don't have a digital camera, so I'm asking Santa to bring me one. Ho Ho Ho! For those of you who kindly share your wonderful garden photos, I truly enjoy them & thank you.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Interesting perspective on the photos attracting more attention... I know some DGrs on one forum don't like to start a thread without a picture. Y'all may be onto something there.

Carol ~ LOL

I've killed more stapelias and Hawarthias than Chrissy has killed stink bugs.
Not to worry ~ I haven't taken time to assess the summers losses and update my journal. I left all those "guys" out while gone for two weeks. Needless to say that was the only time it rained this summer. And when it rains, it POURS! I came home to rotting succulents. Grrrr! I should think the innoffensive Haworthia would do well under your winter growing conditions. Do you grow it?

edited to add: DUH I just reread that you killed Haworthias too.... sorry. Seems some of them would be quite hardy.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2007 8:23 AM

somewhere, PA

This is a fun thread!

Chrissy - I'd never heard "giggling " at the beginning of the month I assume giggling is
a silly laugh?

And I've felt a certain unstated pressure not to post pictures on Trees & Shrubs. Anyone
else hang over there? Is this your impression? Personally, I like the photos a lot and I
agree they make for a more interesting thread, in general. Perhaps if I didn't have DSL
and was dealing with dial up, I might feel differently.


(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Interesting thought, that the pics slow down the loading Tam. I admit I never thought of it! But then I'm on DSL and do not have easy access or ability to load pics so you're pretty much safe from me!

Many (most?) of us, use the term "guys" as a generic "People". I would not correct anyone but it does not bother me, obviously it does bother some people. The only time I comment is when I THINK someone thinks I'm a male. Signing my name "Pat" can leave me open to being thought of as male, also I am VERY female!

I have only been in Daves garden a few months and had to work very hard to describe a lot of things before I was able to do the camera thing ...I was urged to post pictures often ...but being fairly new to computers I was a little frightened at first ...you see I have only used a camera prior to daves garden once in my life. I finally
gave in ...bit the bullit and asked my hubby for his second camera ...asked him how to work it ...got the grandson over to show me how to put the pics into the thingy and ...I fell in love with
pictures of my garden. To anyone hesitating ... be brave and go for it ...but only if you want to ...
however no one should feel pressured into anything as specially those on dial up! enjoy daves garden which ever way you choose :)
that is what it is here for,don't feel intimidated by anyone or anything
no one is less than ...or more than ...we are alll here together :)
and yes giggling is a jovial happy chuckle ...
enjoy the weekend everyone!

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Only thing better than a giggle is a BIG full belly laugh! (with tears streaming down your face!)

Too right mate! :)

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Just don't try it with a full bladder. LOL

Seward, AK

Pod, all of my succulents are indoors. Only a few can stand an Alaskan winter like "hen & chicks" and "sedum acre." A couple of other sedums, but not many, and no cactus.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Interesting ~ hen & chicks melts for me in summer...

Only a few can stand an Alaskan winter
people too.... grrrrr!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hi all! Funny how this thread has progressed....from leaving people out, to whether or not to post pictures. Chrissy is right. The pictures of her unbelievable garden have left many of us in awe. Words just didn't do it justice. So if you are on a thread that seems to discourage pix...I would just locate another thread where your pix will be appreciated. I just got back from vacation, and found a lot of d-mails and comments that I hadn't been able to respond to for a month....to any and all I will appologize and reply to the best of my ability. Perhaps it is the "Mom" in me, but I think that all questions deserve an answer, so when I see one that hasn't...I do my best which at least bumps the question up for others to see. I reward pix - regardless of quality...with a comment or two. It is always so much fun to see what others are attempting or accomplishing.

In answer to the initial question...we try, we definately try. And to all the other comments...keep up the great work!

crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

I wanna see Chrissy's pics......Now darn it!! How's that for letting you know what I want;>)


Plano, TX

i have had such good luck with people answering or commenting on my questions-------until----i asked what messinger was in a co op---everyone kept coming on the site but they all just kept saying "got my messenger--it sure is great---thanks for doing the co op----" i'd see it on my thread watch and think -oh good my question is going to be answered and when i look it is just another "boy that messenger sure is great" !! so i posted and said "don't worry about explaining --i looked it up" and got an apology from one nice person--but it does give me a bad feeling about "messenger"!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Tina - she has a lot posted in the Tropical Gardening Forum....come on down!

Linda - Well, I am as confused and befuddled as you may have been. I have no clue what that was all about, but I am very sorry that you got a bad feeling about anything here in the Garden.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I am SO with Shari... I just hate seeing that "0" in replies...even if just to say "Gee, I haven't a clue either but I will keep coming back to see if someone shows up who does"... I have been embarassed by posting a query with no response...but people being people...we just have to cut slack, NO? I keep telling myself that everyone is really quite shy and the way I overcome it is to think that perhaps I can bite the bullit and NOT be shy...

I am surprised no one answered the query about Messenger when that coop came up. Sometimes I just write a Dmail to the person...coops can get really crazy!!!!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Carol....shy???? you????? The Queen of Traveler's Welcome???? You won't convince me!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yep...mucho muy shy... But I have learned that others are much more shy than I...so it is my mission in life to make them feel at ease. It is really hard being 6' tall and shy!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

You fulfill your mission extremely well, and I can't think of a better person to help others feel at ease. Your height just gives you extra arm length for those great hugs! Missing you already - but this thread is not the place. More later girl friend...

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey, Plano~Remember me? I think we chatted before you became a subscriber on one of the beginner forums:-)
I think that Messenger is a plant food that is pretty expensive. I've heard it mentioned on the hosta forums before.
*This is a 'not really sure, but wanted to answer your ?? as best I can' response, lol! As always, I am ready to stand corrected:->

I am loving this thread, BTW!


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