Why won't you answer me?!?!?!??

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I post a question and the thread goes unanswered/ignored. Then it disappears off the screen and it's dead for good. On ocassion, someone will chime in that they, too, would like an answer to that question; but still, no concrete answers.

I try not to post something idiotic and certainly try to research on my own. Because I read a lot of the postings made here, I know there are knowledgeable people at all levels who can answer the question or at least point in the right direction. So, why doncha????

Having said that, I realize many of the questions seem repetitive sometimes. I also realize that I just may not have an answer. What should we do?
1) Ignore the question and make the poster think we are not as friendly as we so proudly self-proclaim,
2) post that we don't know (and thus waste people's time reading information devoid postings)
3) take 30 seconds and post a link that has the answer or can help inquiring minds research on their own
4) ignore this thread and go nursery shopping

I am thinking about this and hope you will also. Maybe we can come up w/ some methodology so that when people ask questions, the rest of us don't appear rude and uncaring. Gardeners are not that way. BTW, it is interesting to me that the subject of ignored threads crops up in my private dmail but nobody says anything. This is not limited to any one forum, the ignored question issue is all over this website. Curiously, seems like all of us have been on either side of the issue: a) ignored or b) ignorer

Well, I'm stepping forward. let's resolve this. And to the ones that always seem to be there, thank you soooo much. You are worth your weight in gold, diamonds and fertilizer, lol.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Voss. I only post when I think I have something to say about the subject. Sometimes if I have minimal knowledge, I will let the post go for a couple of days to see if someone else has a better answer. They usually do. I see more posts going off on tangents, then I do ignored. But in general, If you ask a question, somebody will answer it. If you just make a statement, that does not require an answer, I will usually read it and pass on unless I disagree with the statement. That does not happen often.

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Good questions. I don't reply if I have nothing to add or don't know the answer. Some threads hold no interest for me after I give them a quick read and I try to avoid reading it even if there is something new added (usually it is full of fluff after so many replies). Some threads are too controversial to even post a reply (but it may be interesting to follow to see how insults escalate).

Rock Hill, SC(Zone 7b)

I have also been on both sides and I think we just want to be acknowledged whether or not anyone has an answer to our question.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

You can always see how many people actually looked at a thread even if they haven't responded. You can get that information at the top of the thread where it says "views". If there a a number of views, perhaps nobody has an answer. If there aren't many views, apparently, for some reason, your subject line is not generating enough interest.

I wouldn't let a lack of responses deter me. Ask the question again at a another time and perhaps in a different forum. You may not come up with a conclusive answer, but I don't think you are being ignored.


(Zone 1)

Well, I am "View" # 51 for this thread .... and Reply # 5 .... Looks as though many have read your post Vossner, but just haven't replied. I have heard a few people say they are shy and don't talk much but just lurk and read the different threads on different forums! I lurk on the different forums too .... learn a lot from lurking sometimes too! Usually I do speak because I am a talker! Most of the time I don't know the answer to a question regarding a certain plant, but I LOVE Plant Files and love researching, so usually if I find the answer to someone's question in PF I will go back and link them to the item in PF. If I'm not sure I still link to a plant that it looks like.

The two main forums I spend most of my time on though are the African Violet/Gesneriad and Houseplant forums! I like to stop in at the Beginner Houseplant forum and the Plant Identification forum often, but this is a HUGE Garden and I don't get to a lot of the areas as much as I'd like.

I hope it doesn't happen often that someone will post a question and not have one person reply!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Lin ~ I am one of the "counted" having reread this a few times. My first instinct is not always the correct response on something like this. Then, maybe it is... I have been mulling it over and will post later... pod

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

That usually means it's a good question and no one knows the answer or even where to look for the answer. If i don't have an answer or even a guess or wouldn't even know where to look, I usually don't post. If it's something that i'm curious about myself, I will recheck back if someone replies.
If no-one has replied to a thread that i want to know the answer to i will post something just so someone else will come along and post something.

Gee V..... I look and see if it is something I can help with......if I can help... I will......if I am reasonably sure... I will say just that....if it is something I know nothing about I go away ...safe in the knowledge someone will know and help you......(or so I thought)
So what do you suggest?.....I... like many others I am sure.. feel bad that you feel neglected....I have had one or two unanswered posts but it didn't worry me...if it has upset you ...or any shy folk out there lurking ....tell us how to fix it so you don't feel ignored.

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

I posted a question a couple weeks ago about overwintering pots, and had someone asking me about overwintering. and the thing was i answered them, with the stipulation of course that i wasn't sure that that was why i was posting the question.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Good question Voss, I'm not sure what the answer is ... I do know I WISH I knew how to do "links" because I probably would be able to hook somebody up with a more knowledgeable source that way.

Who knows why we don't get a response sometimes? I do know I love DG. I have found some very generous, intelligent people with a passion for sharing their knowledge and love of plants.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Psychw2 ~
to do a link, go to the page you intend to link to... click on the address bar ~ it will turn blue, then right click and that should bring up a small "cut copy paste delete" menu. Click on copy.
Then back to the original site and put the cursor were you want to put the link ~ right click for the menu again and click paste this time... magic!

Give it a try. It is simple enough and you will be of assistance to many in the future. And ask if you have a question please... pod

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

i was wondering also, i'm gonna try it nohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recreationw.

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

guess i need more practice

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Len123 what practice? It worked didn't it? It took me to the link ~ for some reason I got that "bad dog ~ no! no!" message when I went to it, but I could go to it...

Well Voss now you have some attention here why don't you ask us your questions? we can try to help or maybe point you in the right direction. :)

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I think the DG populace is divided into different groups.

There are those that are incredibly intelligent about their particular passion. These DGrs share their wealth of knowledge. I for one truly appreciate their expertise but sometimes find myself thoroughly confused from the clinical and intellectual info. I need it put into a commoners translation. I also find a blunt answer is taken as unsocial and is a thread killer.

There are those that are the "Welcome Wagon" of the DG garden. We welcome new members and subscribers by pointing the way thru the maze of forums via links and info. This group is always willing to share the wealth. Wealth of experience as well as plants and seeds with any and all comers.

For some DGrs, the Garden is a social community full of people we care about and those that care about us. This social intercourse takes a thread thru the twists and turns that go off on tangents. I always thought that was why it was called a "thread" weaving its' way thru thoughts, ideas and beliefs. It will have us laughing and crying together. I have always found some useful info to be garnered in this manner too.

I tend to see an unanswered (not newly posted) thread and respond in some manner. If I do not have an answer, my comment will at least serve as a "bump" to the question to keep the thread in the forefront and keep the poster from feeling ignored.

No question is a dumb one and only the unanswered thread is ill mannered.

Reply 16 View 212

This message was edited Sep 25, 2007 9:17 PM

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

well i'm guilty at times for the blunt answer. I didn't know it was being unsocial. But when someone posts a picture of something and asks, "what is this?", i figure that a simple answer such as, blackspot, is pure, straight-forward and answers their question. Sort of "Mark Twainish" if you ask me. Then if they want to know more they can come back and ask another question. But i figure instead of rambling on about blackspot and how to treat it blah,blah, blah, they may already be familiar with blackspot and say oh my it sure is and i don't know why i didn't see that. I don't want to come across as condescending.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Len123 ~ blunt is o.k. in some situations and on an ID is all right. But blunt kills many a thread ~ maybe they are meant to end but....

Blunt also elicits this response recently seen on another forum...

Thanks again for the advice. You gals are so friendly here. I posted a question on a different DG Garden Forum last week and it was frosty and even a bit sarcastic over there. I won't be going back.
That comment stunned me and I wonder how often that impression is given unintended.

reply 17 view 219

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

LOL.. Len, for a good share of us, the diagnosis of black spot is appreciated but I'm guessing that for those of us that need to ASK, we also need to know the treatment. EVEN if the person who originally ASKED does not need to know how to treat it, I will bet that for those of us that follow the thread, there will be lots of us that DO need to know! I also am inclined to think that is just one of the differences in communication styles of men and women. In a man's mind "I answered the question, what's more to say??" LOL!!

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

I think a comedian once did a joke about that. he said___ she heard__ she said____
he heard___. lol. psychw2 i think you hit the nail on the head. it's so nice to have a psych on these forums, certainly clarifies so much!
I often end up in the middle of these conversations between my mom and dad, playing the part of interpreter. You can't script better comedy!lol
hey podster, i know that certainly wasn't a quote from me.lol why? because being a man i could never use the term "gals" or "sweetheart" and get away with it 2) sarcastic is my style of humor 3)frosty. a given 4) not returning to sarcasm? i couldn't contain my curiosity! lol!

Sadly we can't see a "smile"....can't read body language .....and so for newbies...and we baby boomers... it is all about painting word pictures...because that is what we are used to- at first ...short abrupt answers may intimidate......after a while and when there is so much to see and answer ...you realize that it is lovely that someone took time even if it is just to encourage....the people on these forums are very generous......for which I thank them.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I just stopped here & see this thread. Sounded interesting. Didn't read it throughly.
Then I went through Garden Talk & see the last thread you started was June 7, on Mad Hatters.
So where are the questions no one is answering ?

I am active on Parking Lot, Farm Life, Market Growers, Gladiolus, Antiques, all building & construction type forums & some other forums.

Maybe you have to put your question in the proper forum to get answers. The ones I mentioned have lots of discussion on every topic brought up.


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Just popping in.

I feel bad when I see a post with no answer and check it out, but then I may not have an answer or even a comment, unusual for me.
Maybe the question should say "What is it and what do I do about it?" That is a much more open ended question and will illicit more postings. I know when I see what is this and there is an brief and to the point answer I don't see a need to post more since the question is already answered.


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Len123 ~ I can appreciate your stance but to be honest unless I know better, I treat all DGrs as gender neutral. Including you. I also cringe at and try to avoid generalizations such as "you guys" referring to a gaggle of women ~ 8 )

OTH, that quote made me cringe. I did not think the particular thread it was in was overly chatty so makes me wonder? I didn't even want to know which forum...

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Another thought on the "frosty" response, I frequent a forum that TEASES a lot. We have gotten to know each other and it could certainly be read as being mean to each other when actually it is our way of "expressing affection" for each other. I am always sad when someone is hurt or offended. DG is wonderful place and I have enjoyed my involvement so much!

Len, I have a collection of "he said, she said" cartoons and jokes. I SOMETIMES use them in marital counseling. I married one of those RARE men that loves to talk (sometimes too much!!!). He is finishing his degree in construction management. Last year, as part of a class, the instructor actually gave part of his lesson on the difference in communication and expectations of men and women in the construction industry!

Men will frequently tell another man (or woman) "move that pile of 2 x 4 to the North end of the building" but women will say "Chris, would you please move that pile of 2 x 4s to the North end? We need it there for the next stage." NEITHER is wrong, it's just the difference in communication style. Woman are more apt to phrase it as a question AND give the reason why it's necessary. I find that men frequently don't need or even WANT to know why!! Viva la differance!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

How boring if we were all the same.

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

yes but wouldn't it be nice if there was just one more person just like me! lol!

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

Funny that sometimes I have the opposite problem re: answering questions, in that someone else jumps in and answers it before I can even put fingers to keyboard! Of course, I'm one of those who is more likely to tell you more than you ever wanted to know about something you asked about (assuming I know about it), rather than "not enough".

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

LariAnn, I know what you mean by being beaten to the punch - especially in the Plant ID forum. By the time I research the Latin name and have some good links, someone has already answered with the common name but I don't know that until I hit the send button. There should be an option to back out in that case.

Has Vossner left the building?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

That's what I was wondering. Where is Vossner? He/she is certainly not being ignored now. ;-)

Marin, CA(Zone 9b)

I have some threads started with no response. I don't take it personally; probably means no one has an answer.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

There are some statement threads I have seen that request, require or demand no response.

If I should ask a question, my question is not so intelligent that I will stump the viewers. I know my intellect better than that. That would make me say Huh! am I not welcome? Did I offend? Why does no one say Uh pod ~ you posted this in the wrong forum. My questions are just not blazingly brilliant!

LOL ~ LariAnn ~

I'm one of those who is more likely to tell you more than you ever wanted to know about something you asked about (assuming I know about it), rather than "not enough
Think I have been guilty of that too... Like right now... : )

reply 32 view 321

This message was edited Sep 26, 2007 8:38 PM

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

" My questions are just not blazingly brilliant!" THAT is too funny podster! I love that expression. I am SUCH a Newbie here on the garden that I am certain I will be more apt to stun people with my lack of common garden knowledge!

Too cute, thanks for the giggle!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Just the facts Ma'am... 8 )


We have gotten to know each other and it could certainly be read as being mean to each other when actually it is our way of "expressing affection" for each other.

I have noticed this familiarity also seems exclusive and closes out the Newbies or those that don't have the inside skinny on jokes. Just a thought....

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Reread the first POST!!

The person complaining hasn't been back here.

Now at 34 replies & 353 views.
What is his/her PROBLEM ?


Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I guess that could be complaint #2 - the original poster never responds to people who replied. Hmmmm?

What gets me is when someone posts a question/comment, you respond in a supportive manner, and later on they remove all their comments (they resolved their problem with whomever they had a beef with) which leaves you holding the bag. What's up with that?

ha ha ha Coooooeeeee !!!!! hey V ......we are waiting to answer your questions :)

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Makes one stop and wonder doesn't it? At least we are having a good chat.
When I stop chatting it is because we go on vacation tomorrow.

This message was edited Sep 27, 2007 8:08 AM

hi z it's starting to get a bit funny really but it is so nice to meet and hear everybody....I think you are all terrific!

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