Someone's trying to convert me and I don't like it!!

(Zone 5b)

Hello room! I've never been one to be a health-nut, so this is a new room for me. I have a question, though.

Preface: I am NOT a health nut. I don't eat as good as I should, but I try to not eat COMPLETE junk. By this I mean that I'll run to the fridge, grab a cup of orange juice, a bag of carrots, and some dip, then go back for a can of fruit cocktail and a couple granola bars...I eat weird. I realize that a lot of my 'boxed' choices have nasty preservatives in them, but I don't care.
I have a health-nut office-mate who is constantly trying to convert the entire office to organics, and giving out health tips, etc. I buck it every chance I I told her I hated her. Why? Because when I was at the grocery store today (after surfing the net yesterday trying to find some miracle 'cure' for my incessant crankiness and deciding that a good first step was to get used to the taste of sardines...), I was looking for some saltines to go WITH said sardines, and next to the BLUE box is this RED box..."whole grain" version of same. The annoying little voice on my shoulder of my office mate won over, and I chose the red box. I hate her.

Ok, so this is all pertinent because what I'm wondering is: if you simply add some of these 'good' things to your diet, will your 'regular' stuff kill off any benefit you might have gleaned from adding the good stuff? Example: I had the sardines as an 'appetizer' for lunch. I followed it up with the "Large Size" Stouffer's Mac & know, that wonderful orange, creamy processed cheese & pasta product from the freezer section.

Did I kill the deal?

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