Onions and garlic time

forsyth, GA(Zone 8a)

Any of you folks thought about putting in your beds now for onions and garlic ,for next spring? How about any tips,and sellers of shallots,sets,or Egyptian onion sets?

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I guess, Pop, you are talking about the eating kind of onions? I haven't tried growing veggies yet. I'm going to have to try some time.
I did order some Alliums for my flower gardens. I'll be planting those at the same time I plant my Daffodils.


Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

I have ordered my shallots and Egyptian onions as of today.. I used to have the Walking onions everywhere, they were taking over so I pulled til they were all gone.. I really missed them, so I am starting them from sets again..Got mine from Burpee's..Can't wait to have the Egyptian Walking again.. Wouldn't be without shallots and garlic..


Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

I would love to grow garlic this year. I will watch this thread to find out where to buy and how to grow.


forsyth, GA(Zone 8a)

Yeah Deborah,I was talking about the good ol' stinkin' veggie,but putting in some Society Garlic (allium) would be a good idea also.
Chris,Burpee has theresale on them now, now's the time to plant for a spring crop. Larkie, I miss my walking
(Egyptian ) onions too,but my neighbor down the street usually comes thru for me. Pop

Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm late to this thread. I want to plant some garlic, onion, and shallots etc.. this month.
What are walking onions; what type of garlic does well here; can I grow shallots and green onions at this late date? Most of all: Where to buy?

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Does anyone know if scallion, chives and green onion are all the same?
I saw seed packets for green onion that said to plant the seed in Feb or March for my zone. Has anyone done this. I have never seen anything in the stores labeled scallions and that is what I want.


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)


Green onions and scallions are basically the same. Chives are same family but leaves are much smaller and you only eat the leaves. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scallion

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

cool, got it. I am going to plant the seeds outside in Feb and March and see how they do.

I'm going out there now to ammend and plant my garlic! It was fantastic last year! I also have several types of walking/multiplier onions and a huge patch of PINK flowered chives growing from seed. How I love my chives (on fresh organic new potatoes. YUMMY!)


Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

What else would be in that potato and chive recipe? :)
Where did you get the garlic?...I need some.


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Y'all are making me hungry for some homecooking.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I started some Society Garlic and garic chives from seed last winter and they are doing pretty good. Delicious on a baked potato.... The chives grow like mad. I cut them back every week and in a day or two they are back to normal.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

My chives grow like bandits too.

We make a mean veggie cream cheese so we can have our requisite bagel and a smear. The chives are an essential ingredient.

What is the growing habit of the walking onions? Do they take up a lot of space? I would like to try them but need to know a little more about their habit.




See the thread 'anyone growing garlic in GA' .


This message was edited Nov 11, 2007 9:38 PM

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