I really want to stab him in the eye with a fork!

Perth,, ON(Zone 5a)


'nuf said.

coworker returned from a 9 WEEK vacation, (he's been employed here for a little over a year), and complained that his vacation was too LONG! During the time he was away supervisor and I covered his desk, did we get vacation? NO! we were too busy!

He's worse than useless, can't even pull out invoices for a cheque run without being closely supervised and directed. He's the kind to ask you 'to help him' but he gets mad if you direct him to the solution, instead of providing it directly to him....... he readily admits 'he's lazy'

oh, and he wants to go on vaction again in January, for another 'few weeks' (in the middle of our VERY BUSY SEASON.....his first day back on Monday last week, and he told our supervisor this...... then on Tuesday, he asked to leave early......

did I mention I REALLY want to stab him in the eye with a fork?

Did I?

rant over, thanks for listening!

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