Pots or straight in the ground???

Hammond, LA

Hi everyone! New banana owner here. I recently ordered three species of bananas - a Raja Puri, a dwarf Orinoco, and and Ice Cream. I received them a couple of days ago and they are healthy. They are all between 6 and 12 inches in height. I live in southeast Louisiana on the border of zones 8b and 9. Should I put them in pots until next growing season or should I go ahead and put them in the ground? We don't normally get our first frost until mid to late December here but the weather has been known to be unpredictable during winters. If I put them in pots, what is the best potting medium?

Thanks! DeAnne

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

To be on the safe side, at this time of year, I think that I would overwinter them inside. The best draining medium that I use is a peatbased soiless mix (like Promix)

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