So who grows grapes here?

Southern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hello fellow NE'ers,

I recently bought some Concord grapes at my local farm market (Lull Farm - awesome place), and made some grape jam. WOW - what a difference from store-bought! I've been making strawberry/blueberry/peach jams for years, but never grape.

Anyway, I've decided to plant grapes. I've done some research and come to the conclusion that I really need to find out what works in our climate from other gardeners. I think that I want a seeded grape, since they're usually more disease resistant. My initial thought was to plant Concords, but I know that there are others out there that might do better in terms of taste, yield, disease resistance.

So, which grape varieties have worked for you?

Thumbnail by ckk
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I know Andy (Sarahskeeper) grows grapes. You might want to D-mail him. Don't remember anyone else mentioning that they grow them, but there may be some.

Clinton, CT(Zone 6b)

I found out last month, after living here for a year and a half, that I'm growing grapes. Or rather that they are growing themselves and have been for quite some time. On an old trellis at the back property line. The trellis is about 20 feet long and totally engulfed in bittersweet. I can't reach to the top of it. So tangled it makes a nice screen even in the winter. Walking past this summer, I noticed a few grape leaves poking out from the mess. Voila! Clusters of grapes were hiding inside the tangle. Concords, just like my grandmother had.

But to return to your question, ckk, have you checked for vineyards in your area? There is one on 5 acres a mile from me which produces 6,000 cases a year of Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir. The owner picked the area because of the tempering influence of Long Island Sound. There is a snow line 10 miles to the north and while, I'm sure, he could grow them those grapes up there (and would have paid less for the land), his production would be lower. So if you haven't, it might be useful to see who nearby or in a similiar area is making a profit on grapes. If a business can be sucessful, then you won't have any problem.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

You might also check with your extension agent.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

FYI There is a really nice article on growing grapes in the northeast in the autumn '07 issue of People, Places and Plants. If this interests you it would be worth picking up a copy if you don't subscribe.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I believe Andy grows a seedless variety of eating grape (might be Reliance) that may not be the best for jam/jelly. I used to grow these, too, but the birds enjoyed many more of them than we did.

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