Look at my Silver lace vine

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Wow is it ever pretty this year. My husband is a big vine lover. We bought this a couple years ago. I like it when the wind blows and the sky is kinda gray man what a sight. Ive really enjoyed this vine. It grows really fast in the heat of the summer the most just recently. Enjoy Ronna

Thumbnail by gardenlady123
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

heres another shot....

Thumbnail by gardenlady123
Victoria BC, Canada(Zone 9a)

Very Pretty... It looks just like lace. I love vines too:)


Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Very Pretty!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

My brother has that vine on his fence in Colorado Springs...it is very nice. The bees love it!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

yes there do... i do wish it was fragrant though. it would be even nicer then.... but not for allergies. does any one know if they come in different colrs? Ronna

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Ronna,

I've never heard of it coming in other colors, but each year I plant a few
morning glory seeds on each side of the garden gate, as we have one
Silverlace Vine on each side. By fall, the SLV is blooming, and the morning
glories are beautiful mixed in with the white lace.

Don'tcha just love SLV?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

ooh..I bet that is spectacular...I'm going to suggest that to my brother for next year!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

wow thats a great idea wuvie, I have to keep that in the back of my mind.... If I can that is. Do you have a picture of that????

Bessemer, AL(Zone 7b)

Where might I purchase The Silver Lace Vine? Must I start with seed? I have longed for one of these plants but have never seen them in any of our local nurseries. I think they are so pretty over a garden gate which I have. Will appreciate any of your advice.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Gardenlady, my apologies, I just now noticed your post. In looking out the window,
it appears the little pink vine that always scrambles up the SLV is just now getting
started, so there are only a few blooms at the base. If it intends to do much more, it
likely only has a few weeks left before our first frost.

Seedy1, honestly, I've never seen nor heard of SLV seeds, though I'm not saying
they don't exist. You'll want to start with plants or cuttings. My SLV was purchased
when we first moved into the house, and I'm shocked they survived. They arrived as
two dinky little sticks. I thought it was a joke. One was planted on each side of the
gate and it took years and years to fill in & cover the cattle panel bowed over the

Definitely a long term goal with tiny sprouts.

Here is a picture of our SLV in dire need of a haircut.


Thumbnail by WUVIE
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If you're OK with buying plants rather than seeds, here are 4 places in Plant Scout that sell it

I've seen it at local nurseries here so you might also try asking a local nursery if they have it or would order it for you.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

In Googling SLV seeds, I found a few people selling them,
so I suppose they must be the tiny paper-thin thing-a-ma-jigs
on the plant.

One has to wonder, though, if they are viable, why is our property
not covered in SLV? Our plants are covered in blooms in both spring
and fall, yet I've never seen one little sprout anywhere around the gate.

Has anyone on board ever grown SLV from seed?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Some things are better than others at reseeding themselves in the garden, I have lots of things that I've grown from seed that started very easily, but if you just dropped the seed off the plant into the garden it won't do anything. The conditions in your area may not be quite right for it when it drops off into the garden, but it may start fine if you give it nice conditions indoors in a flat with light, bottom heat, etc

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Ec.

For a moment I thought maybe the seeds were like
those of Arundo Donax; which to my understanding are
plentiful, yet infertile.

I'll have to test them this winter and see what happens. :-)

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

very beautiful photo wuvie. We really have enjoyed our slv this year its so pretty in full blossom. I really like the idea of the mg's growing on the vines also. When we bought ours it was in a half gallon cont. and fairly large. it took anly a summer for it to fill in. And this year wow, it has grown so much. Ronna

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Pretty vine and it looks like it has little arms reaching for you.

Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

I was just wondering if my Lemon Lace vine would produce seeds. This picture is old my camera bit the dust, so I can't get a picture of what it looks like this year. The leaves are chartreuse in color. It is blooming now and beautiful. Fast growing, it didn't bloom last fall and now that it's in bloom I was wondering if I could collect seed from it.

Thumbnail by cbrandenburg
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Wow I like the lemon lace vine. Is it a shade lover also? Very pretty shade it would really brighten up a darker corner wouldnt it? I really would like to know about the shade? Thanks for the photo. Ronna

Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

I do have it in part shade, and yes it's a real beauty, you can see it from a long way off. The stems are bright red with the chartreuse leaves it's beautiful without blooms, LOL. Has anyone been able to get seeds from theres? I'm guessing they would be tiny.

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