Growing iris from seeds

Oslo, Norway(Zone 5a)

I would like to get some more iris and think it would be fun to start them from seeds. Any suggestions on where to get many different seeds? Is there a auctionsite like "the lily auction" for example?


This is supposed to be I. versicolor 'Faded Jeans' but Im not sure its labeled right.

Thumbnail by lineyri
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I just wanted to comment that t's beautiful and you should be very proud that you grew it from a seed.


Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

First of all, that's an absolutely GORGEOUS versicolor, but it is NOT Faded Jeans. It looks more like Celia Welia or Mysterious Monique, though neither of them have as much yellow in the signal as does your beauty. It is stunning!

In terms of iris seeds, you can't beat the SIGNA seed exchange in terms of both selection and price. SIGNA will have its annual iris seed sale for members coming up at the end of the year. It will include a mind boggling variety of iris types and species. If you are interested in trying to grow irises from seed, this is THE event for you!

You can join SIGNA (membership is remarkably cheap) to participate in the seed sale. Membership will also bring you their incredible periodical newsletter. You can find membership info at the SIGNA website:


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Definitely not Faded Jeans, as Laurie pointed out. It looks the most like Celia Welia to me, but again, as Laurie says, more yellow. Lovely!

Oslo, Norway(Zone 5a)

Judy - I`m sorry to say I did not grow this from seed. I got the plant from a very generous iris collector here in Norway.

It is a big problem with wrong labeling of plants here in Norway, and I kind of figured 'Faded Jeans' was wrong. But I really like it :) Found one picture of Celia Welia and it looked similar.
I will try to join SIGNA, but I`m not sure how to make the payment for the membership - I do not use checks. Looks like the website have not been updated for some time? I will send an email and see.

Mayby you can help me with another identification: This germanica has the largest flowers I have ever seen, and its a real beauty!

Thumbnail by lineyri

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