Looking for Peach and Soft Colored Canna Seeds

Dothan, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi Everyone,
I enjoyed growing some canna's from seed this summer that nice DG's donated to me being a newbie...well I am so in love with Canna's that I did place a order with Horns this week, but thought maybe some people already have some extra Canna Seeds in the soft colors that I could start and nurture now....

I would pay postage or trade....
Thanks in advance, I hope some of you have extra's...I have been collecting seeds from the ones I grew but they are mainly the tall red plumy type...

Thanks so much

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I am sure I will have some seed from my yellow one and maybe some others as well...I will keep and eye out for you...I haven't checked them in a few days. Will check and let you know...

Dothan, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Janet,
The plants you sent earlier are doing great...thanks Gail

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Gail, I have a tall peach Canna,That has plenty of seeds if you would like some.Our hummingbirds love it. Just let me know.

Thumbnail by georgiagarden3
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Beautiful!! That is a wonderful color...how tall is the plant? Where is Arlington Georgia? LOL just noticed you were in Georgia..must be South..lol

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Janet, The canna is very tall 7ft is the shortest we have some that are over 8ft,We are in the Southwest corner if GA.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I would love some of the seed if you have them to share....I figured you were in South Georgia because of the ZONE you are in...I have not had much rain this year and my Cannas have been a little disappointing so far...I am hoping the Fall display will make more of a show! I am really enjoying seeing everyone else's though!!!

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

janet,I know all about the no rain,We have a monitoring station near us and I added up all the rain fall in the last nine months and we have barely gotten 16 inches,Everything has suffered.I will get you some of the seeds sent out.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Thank you...it is just so disheartening to work so hard in our gardens and see it all dry and nothing blooming for your efforts...but at least we don't depend on our garden for our food or our livelyhood! So we are in better shape than a lot of folks!

Dothan, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi Pheadra,
Thank you very much, I would love to grow some of the tall orange...I love to watch the hummers come....
I will send postage or you might like something i have too....


Janet, how are u....I hope fine....I sent you a message letting you know how great all the plants did...

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I am hanging in there...the heat has been tough on me this year...I am so glad all of your plants are doing well...do you have any pictures?

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