memorial tree

Plainfield, NJ(Zone 6b)

My mother passed away this week at the age of 81. I'd like to plant a tree at the church she was a member of for 57 years. The area the pastor has indicated is part sun--mostly morning. I'm considering a Kousa Dogwood but know I'm not thinking clearly and would like some other suggestions. My Mom had a May Birthday. Her name was June. I think a tree that is at it's peak of beauty at that time of year would be most fitting. Any ideas for me please?

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Lady Cleo, I have no idea's but maybe a lilac tree? I just wanted to say how very sorry i am for your loss. Both my parents have been gone awhile now so I know how you feel.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

LadyCleo so sorry for your loss. I think your idea of a memorial tree at a place that gave her solace is a wonderful idea. I guess it depends on the size of the area too. Both of the suggestions so far seem good to me, another might be a Magnolia tree. Here is a link with some info. Scroll down for the vital stats. Best wishes to you and your family at this time.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

So sorry to hear about that, Lady C. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

I like both the Kousa Dogwood and Magnolia ideas for May bloom. ngam is correct about picking the right size. Aside from ngam's link, there are a few Magnolias that bloom later. My kousa 'Satomi' usually blooms toward the end of May so it should be a week or so earlier for you. I'll try to think of some more.


Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Sorry about your loss LadyCleo! I know how hard is too loose a parent! my heart goes to you and your family!

I have a Kousa dogwood and it the prettiest tree I have... this year it didn't bloom but last year it was really nice...

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

My condolences to you LadyC and your family. I have always thought it was wonderful to plant a tree as a rememberance of a loved one. I have a Kousa but it has not bloomed as yet so I can't comment on it. I do like the Magnolias. Whatever you chooose, I'm sure you'll see your mom's smile in the blossoms.

(Zone 4a)

What about an apple tree? The blooms are beautiful in the spring and smell delightful too. Sorry about your mom. I think a memorial tree is a perfect idea.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Cherry the ones in Washington and Japan. My brother sent me photo's from Japan when he was stationed there. They were incredible!!!!!

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Ladycleo - so sorry about your mom. My sympathy to you and your family. I think the memorial tree is a wonderful idea. I planted a spruce tree in memory of each of my parents when they died. Mom died 11 years ago and Dad 2 years ago. I planted spruce trees because I wanted something that didn't loose it's leaves in the winter - evergreen for everlasting. I actually referr to them as Mom's tree and Dad's tree - I like having them in my yard as a rememberance because I'm far away from where they lived and the rest of the family. It's a great idea to plant the tree at the church where everyone else can enjoy it also. Eleanor
p.s. - this is a pic of Mom's tree after a February snow. Dad's is in the front yard.

Thumbnail by grammyphoeb
Plainfield, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thank you all for your sympathetic condolences and suggestions. Your thoughts and prayers and kindness are greatly appreciated. I learned of my mother's death on Tuesday while reading the newpaper to my students in class. No one bothered to call me. Shock is an understatement.

Grammyphoebe-the pic of your Mom's tree is lovely.

Venu-what a touching thought about my Mom's smile being in each blossom. Sadly, I remember more stern scowls than smiles from her, but hopefully this will fade in time.

It turns out that my mother's ashes will also be buried in the church memorial garden. There is a landscaping committee (2 women) who need to approve my contribution first. I tagged a clump Kousa "Satomi" at the garden center yesterday and the owner will donate delivery as a kindness. If the church ladies do not feel this tree will be appropriate, I will take your suggestions under consideration and choose something else.

The memorial service is tomorrow. I'd love to be able to grab a shovel immediately following the prayful good byes.

Thank you all again.

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Ladycleo - what a horrible way to learn of your mother's death!! I can't believe no one had called you and let you find out about it in the paper and in front of your class!! Thanks for the comments about my Mom's tree. I took another pic this morning because of the fog to post in NE weather thread. Eleanor
ps - I hope your first choice of tree is oked.

Thumbnail by grammyphoeb
Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh my goodness that's so cruel... my heart goes to you!!!!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Ladycleo, what an unfortunate way to learn of your mother's death; perhaps there was an unfortunate oversight - everyone assuming the other had called.

I think a tree is a wonderful idea.

All of us send our condolences.


Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Satomi is what I have and I love it. Good choice.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Lady Cleo - I'm so sorry that you have lost your Mother, and that you had the pain of finding out in the way that you did. You should feel proud that you have taken the high road and are honoring your Mother in a very lovely way. If the "Church Ladies" don't defer to your selection (as I think they should), you may want to think about planting whatever tree you choose at your own place, or somewhere else where you can feel comforted by it. It is so difficult to lose a parent at any age, and you have my sincere sympathy!

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