Spruce Grouse

Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

I went Grouse hunting today, and shot pictures of four different birds. This is the first one. The red comb over the eye indicates an adult male. He was feeding on the side of a gravel, back country road. I stopped the truck and took several shot, before flushing him.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

When the first Spruce Grouse took flight, he flew low over a second grouse. I walk up the road, to the second bird. I was able to take several pictures, before it flew. This is one of them, another adult male.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

Then we drove for miles and miles of bumpy back country roads, before seeing the third Spruce Grouse. This juvenile male was picking grit from the edge of the road, a common behavior. Note, the red comb is just starting to show. He froze in this position when I stopped the truck. I expected him to fly before I got out. But, I slipped out very slowly, and he never moved. I took eight pictures with different light setting, before he flew up into a Spruce tree. The pictures of him in the tree weren't any good. The branches were too thick.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

Satisfied I had taken a few good shots, we got back on the Parks Hwy, for the 115 mile drive back to Anchorage. Sailing down the hwy, no traffic, the cruse control set at 65 mph, I spotted the fourth Spruce Grouse feeding on the side of the hwy. I was well beyond him before slowing down. I turned around, and went back. I pulled over on the opposite shoulder of the hwy. Snapped one shot out the open window, across the hwy, before he flew. It was the best picture of the day. Another adult male. Normally, at this time of the year flocks of juveniles with an old hen are most commonly seen. It was a good day of birding, also got close up shots of Trumpeter Swans.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Really nice pictures. I have had some close encounters with these guys, but never had the camera ready.
One male, while courting some nearby females, walked in front of me and strutted his stuff for a minute or so. I was very impressed.
Last spring a female, with little ones nearby. Stood in front of me, barring me from walking down the path. She was a really brave, until the dog came back around. She was out of there before he had barely even seen her.
I love how they "talk" to you.

Marlton, NJ

Very nice pics Gary! Thanks for posting these! Pelle

Marlton, NJ

BTW did you get my D mail Gary? Pelle

Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

I took pictures of two more Spruce Grouse today. This first one is a juvenile male. Photographed on Zero Lake Road off the Parks Hwy. I have been passed the Zero Lake Road sign for years. Today we decided to finally explore Zero Lake. After 3 1/2 miles of a bumpy unmaintained logging road, we discovered the joke was on us! The zero in the name actually means there isn't any lake at the end of the road. This fellow was picking gravel on the road side. I took a lot of pictures, but most of therm were of the tail end, as he walked away from me. I followed him for about a 100 yards before he flew.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

This second Grouse was on Long Lake Road. He has the color of a mature male, but the comb isn't developed yet.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen

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